
114 lines
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import asyncio
import re
from typing import Type
import urwid
from subiquitycore.ui.frame import SubiquityCoreUI
from subiquitycore.ui.stretchy import Stretchy, StretchyOverlay
def find_with_pred(w, pred, return_path=False):
def _walk(w, path):
if not isinstance(w, urwid.Widget):
raise RuntimeError("_walk walked to non-widget %r via %r" % (w, path))
if pred(w):
return w, path
if hasattr(w, "_wrapped_widget"):
return _walk(w._wrapped_widget, (w,) + path)
if hasattr(w, "original_widget"):
return _walk(w.original_widget, (w,) + path)
if isinstance(w, urwid.ListBox):
for w in w.body:
r, p = _walk(w, (w,) + path)
if r:
return r, p
elif isinstance(w, urwid.Frame):
for w, _ in w.contents.values():
r, p = _walk(w, (w,) + path)
if r:
return r, p
elif hasattr(w, "contents"):
contents = w.contents
for w, _ in contents:
r, p = _walk(w, (w,) + path)
if r:
return r, p
elif isinstance(w, StretchyOverlay):
r, p = _walk(w.top_w, (w,) + path)
if r:
return r, p
return None, None
r, p = _walk(w, ())
if return_path:
return r, p
return r
def find_button_matching(w, pat, return_path=False):
def pred(w):
return isinstance(w, urwid.Button) and re.match(pat, w.label)
return find_with_pred(w, pred, return_path)
def click(but):
def keypress(w, key, size=(30, 1)):
w.keypress(size, key)
def get_focus_path(w):
path = []
while True:
if isinstance(w, urwid.ListBox) and (w.set_focus_pending == "first selectable"):
for w2 in w.body:
if w2.selectable():
w = w2
if w.focus is not None:
w = w.focus
elif hasattr(w, "_wrapped_widget"):
w = w._wrapped_widget
elif hasattr(w, "original_widget"):
w = w.original_widget
return path
def enter_data(form, data):
for k, v in data.items():
bf = getattr(form, k)
assert bf.enabled, "%s is not enabled" % (k,)
bf.value = v
async def wait_for_overlay(
ui: SubiquityCoreUI, overlay_type: Type[Stretchy], *, timeout=None, step=0.01
) -> Stretchy:
"""Wait until an overlay of the specified type gets displayed on the
screen and return it. If timeout is hit before the overlay is displayed, an
asyncio.TimeoutError will be raised. When timeout is set to None, we will
wait forever."""
if timeout is not None:
task = wait_for_overlay(ui, overlay_type)
return await asyncio.wait_for(task, timeout=timeout)
while True:
stretchy = ui.body._w.stretchy
except AttributeError:
if isinstance(stretchy, overlay_type):
return stretchy
await asyncio.sleep(step)