
1045 lines
31 KiB

# Polish translation for subiquity
# Copyright (c) 2018 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2018
# This file is distributed under the same license as the subiquity package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: subiquity\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-04-20 13:27+1200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-04-21 11:39+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: GTriderXC <>\n"
"Language-Team: Polish <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2018-04-23 21:28+0000\n"
"X-Generator: Launchpad (build 18617)\n"
#: ../subiquity/controllers/
#: ../subiquity/controllers/
#: ../subiquity/controllers/
msgid "Filesystem setup"
msgstr "Ustawienia systemu plików"
#: ../subiquity/controllers/
msgid "Choose guided or manual partitioning"
msgstr "Wybierz automatyczne lub ręczne ustawienia partycji"
#: ../subiquity/controllers/
msgid "Select available disks to format and mount"
msgstr "Wybierz dostępne dyski do formoatowania i montowania"
#: ../subiquity/controllers/
msgid "Choose the installation target"
msgstr "Wybierz docelowe medium instalacji"
#: ../subiquity/controllers/
msgid "Filesystem error"
msgstr "Błąd systemu plików"
#: ../subiquity/controllers/
msgid "Error while installing Ubuntu"
msgstr "Błąd podczas instalacji Ubuntu"
#: ../subiquity/controllers/
msgid "Failed to obtain write permissions to /tmp"
msgstr "Bład podczas zapisu do /tmp"
#: ../subiquity/controllers/
msgid "Partition, format, and mount {}"
msgstr "Partycjonowanie, formatowanie i montowanie {}"
#: ../subiquity/controllers/
msgid "Partition the disk, or format the entire device without partitions"
msgstr "Ustaw partycje lub sformatuj cały dysk bez partycji"
#: ../subiquity/controllers/
msgid "Select whole disk, or partition, to format and mount."
msgstr "Wybierz cały dysk lub partycje do sformatowania i zamontowania"
#: ../subiquity/controllers/
msgid "Edit partition details format and mount."
msgstr "Ustaw partycje i zamontuj"
#: ../subiquity/controllers/
msgid "Format and/or mount {}"
msgstr "Formatuj i/lub montuj {}"
#: ../subiquity/controllers/
msgid "Format or mount whole disk."
msgstr "Formatuj lub montuj cały dysk."
#: ../subiquity/controllers/
msgid "Mount partition {} of {}"
msgstr "Montuj partycję {} z {}"
#: ../subiquity/controllers/
msgid "Mount partition."
msgstr "Montuj partycję."
#: ../subiquity/controllers/
msgid "Format and mount partition {} of {}"
msgstr "Formatuj i montuje partycje {} z {}"
#: ../subiquity/controllers/
msgid "Format and mount partition."
msgstr "Formatuj i montuj partycję."
#: ../subiquity/controllers/
msgid "Select next or previous disks with n and p"
msgstr "Wybierz następny lub poprzedni dysk klawiszem n i p"
#: ../subiquity/controllers/
msgid "Profile setup"
msgstr "Ustawienia profilu"
#: ../subiquity/controllers/
msgid ""
"Enter the username and password (or ssh identity) you will use to log in to "
"the system."
msgstr ""
"Wpisz nazwę użytkownika i hasło (lub identyfikacjię ssh) której użyjesz do "
"logowania do systemu."
#: ../subiquity/controllers/
msgid ""
"Welcome to Ubuntu! The world's favourite platform for clouds, clusters, and "
"amazing internet things. This is the installer for Ubuntu on servers and "
"internet devices."
msgstr ""
#: ../subiquity/controllers/
msgid "Use UP, DOWN arrow keys, and ENTER, to navigate options"
msgstr "Użyj strzałek GÓRA, DÓŁ aby wybrać opcję"
#: ../subiquity/controllers/
msgid ""
"MAAS is Metal As A Service. Running on Ubuntu, it lets you treat physical "
"servers like virtual machines (instances) in the cloud. Rather than having "
"to manage each server individually, MAAS turns your bare metal into an "
"elastic cloud-like resource. \n"
"For further details, see"
msgstr ""
#: ../subiquity/controllers/
msgid ""
"A MAAS rack controller provides services to machines provisioned by MAAS in "
"the fabric (group of trunked switches) it is attached to. The rack "
"controller requires the accessible URL of a MAAS region controller."
msgstr ""
#: ../subiquity/controllers/
msgid "An error has occurred"
msgstr "Wystąpił błąd"
#: ../subiquity/controllers/
msgid "starting..."
msgstr "uruchamianie..."
#: ../subiquity/controllers/
msgid "Install in progress:"
msgstr "Instalacja w toku:"
#: ../subiquity/controllers/
msgid "Install complete"
msgstr "Instalacja zakończona"
#: ../subiquity/controllers/
msgid "Installation complete!"
msgstr "Instalacja ukończona!"
#: ../subiquity/controllers/
msgid "Finished install!"
msgstr "Instalacja ukończona!"
#: ../subiquity/controllers/
msgid "Installing system"
msgstr "Instalacja systemu"
#: ../subiquity/controllers/
#: ../subiquity/controllers/
msgid "Thank you for using Ubuntu!"
msgstr "Dziekujemy za używanie Ubuntu!"
#: ../subiquity/controllers/
msgid "Install complete!"
msgstr "Instalacja ukończona!"
#: ../subiquity/controllers/
msgid "An error occurred during installation"
msgstr "Błąd podczas instalacji"
#: ../subiquity/controllers/
msgid "Please report this error in Launchpad"
msgstr "Zgłoś ten błąd poprzez Launchpad"
#: ../subiquity/controllers/
msgid "Keyboard configuration"
msgstr "Konfiguracja klawiatury"
#: ../subiquity/controllers/
msgid ""
"Please select the layout of the keyboard directly attached to the system, if "
msgstr ""
"Wybierz układ klawiatury jeśli jest podłączona bezpośrednio do systemu."
#: ../subiquity/controllers/
msgid ""
"Please select your keyboard layout below, or select \"Identify keyboard\" to "
"detect your layout automatically."
msgstr ""
"Wybierz układ klawiatury z listy lub wykryj automatycznie, używając opcji "
"\"Identyfikacja klawiatury\""
#: ../subiquity/controllers/
msgid "Use UP, DOWN and ENTER keys to select your keyboard."
msgstr ""
"Aby wybrać klawiaturę, użyj klawiszy ze strzałkami w górę, dół oraz Enter."
#: ../subiquity/controllers/
msgid "Configure proxy"
msgstr "Konfiguracja proxy"
#: ../subiquity/controllers/
msgid ""
"If this system requires a proxy to connect to the internet, enter its "
"details here."
msgstr ""
"Jeśli ten system łączy się z Internetem za pośrednictwem proxy, podaj "
"szczegóły połączenia."
#: ../subiquity/controllers/
msgid "Please choose your preferred language"
msgstr "Wybierz preferowany język."
#: ../subiquity/controllers/
msgid "Use UP, DOWN and ENTER keys to select your language."
msgstr "Użyj strzałek GÓRA, DÓŁ aby wybrać język"
#: ../subiquitycore/controllers/
msgid "Network connections"
msgstr "Połączenia sieciowe"
#: ../subiquitycore/controllers/
msgid ""
"Configure at least one interface this server can use to talk to other "
"machines, and which preferably provides sufficient access for updates."
msgstr ""
"Skonfiguruj przynajmniej jeden interface sieciowy aby serwerem mógł "
"komunikować sie z siecią."
#: ../subiquitycore/controllers/
msgid "Select an interface to configure it or select Done to continue"
msgstr ""
"Wybierz intefjesf aby go skonfigurować lub wybierz Wykonano aby kontnuować"
#: ../subiquitycore/controllers/
msgid "Network interface {}"
msgstr "Karta sieciowa {}"
#: ../subiquitycore/controllers/
msgid "Network interface {} manual IPv4 configuration"
msgstr "Karta sieciowa {} manualna konfiguracja IPv4"
#: ../subiquitycore/controllers/
msgid "Network interface {} WIFI configuration"
msgstr "Karta sieciowa {} konfiguracja WIFI"
#: ../subiquitycore/controllers/
msgid "Network interface {} manual IPv6 configuration"
msgstr "Karta sieciowa {} manualna konfiguracja IPv6"
#: ../subiquitycore/ui/
msgid ", or "
msgstr ", lub "
#: ../subiquitycore/ui/
msgid " or "
msgstr " lub "
#: ../subiquitycore/ui/
#, python-format
msgid "This field must be a %s URL."
msgstr "Pole musi mieć format %s URL"
#: ../subiquitycore/ui/
#: ../subiquitycore/ui/views/
#: ../subiquitycore/ui/views/
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
msgid "Done"
msgstr "Wykonano"
#: ../subiquitycore/ui/
#: ../subiquitycore/ui/views/
#: ../subiquitycore/ui/views/
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/ ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Anuluj"
#: ../subiquitycore/ui/ ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Tak"
#: ../subiquitycore/ui/
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/ ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "No"
msgstr "Nie"
#: ../subiquitycore/ui/views/
msgid "Use a static IPv4 configuration"
msgstr "Użyj statycznego adresu IPv4"
#: ../subiquitycore/ui/views/
msgid "Use DHCPv4 on this interface"
msgstr "Użyj DHCPv4 dla tego interfejsu sieciowego"
#: ../subiquitycore/ui/views/
#: ../subiquitycore/ui/views/
msgid "Do not use"
msgstr "Nie używaj"
#: ../subiquitycore/ui/views/
msgid "Use a static IPv6 configuration"
msgstr "Użyj statycznego adresu IPv6"
#: ../subiquitycore/ui/views/
msgid "Use DHCPv6 on this interface"
msgstr "Użyj DHCPv6 dla tego interfejsu sieciowego"
#: ../subiquitycore/ui/views/
msgid "Configure WIFI settings"
msgstr "Ustawienia WIFI"
#: ../subiquitycore/ui/views/
#: ../subiquitycore/ui/views/
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Zapisz"
#: ../subiquitycore/ui/views/
msgid "Subnet:"
msgstr "Maska:"
#: ../subiquitycore/ui/views/
msgid "Address:"
msgstr "Adres IP:"
#: ../subiquitycore/ui/views/
msgid "Gateway:"
msgstr "Brama sieciowa:"
#: ../subiquitycore/ui/views/
msgid "Name servers:"
msgstr "Serwery DNS:"
#: ../subiquitycore/ui/views/
msgid "IP addresses, comma separated"
msgstr "Adresy IP, oddzielone przecinkami"
#: ../subiquitycore/ui/views/
msgid "Search domains:"
msgstr "Znajdź domeny:"
#: ../subiquitycore/ui/views/
msgid "Domains, comma separated"
msgstr "Domeny, oddzielone przecinkami"
#: ../subiquitycore/ui/views/
msgid "should be in CIDR form (xx.xx.xx.xx/yy)"
msgstr ""
#: ../subiquitycore/ui/views/
#, python-format
msgid "'%s' is not contained in '%s'"
msgstr ""
#: ../subiquitycore/ui/views/
#, python-format
msgid "Example: %s"
msgstr "Przykład: %s"
#: ../subiquitycore/ui/views/
msgid "Set this as default gateway"
msgstr "Ustaw jako domyślna bramę"
#: ../subiquitycore/ui/views/
msgid "This will be your default gateway"
msgstr "To będzie twoja domyślna brama"
#: ../subiquitycore/ui/views/
msgid "Applying network config"
msgstr "Zaaplikuj ustawienia sieciowe"
#: ../subiquitycore/ui/views/
#, python-format
msgid "Associated to '%s', will associate to '%s'"
msgstr "Przydzielone do '%s', będzie przydzielone do '%s'"
#: ../subiquitycore/ui/views/
#, python-format
msgid "Associated to '%s'"
msgstr "Przydzielone do '%s'"
#: ../subiquitycore/ui/views/
#, python-format
msgid "No access point configured, but associated to '%s'"
msgstr "Nie skonfigurowany punkt dostępu, ale przydzielono do '%s'"
#: ../subiquitycore/ui/views/
#, python-format
msgid "Will associate to '%s'"
msgstr "Przydzieli do '%s'"
#: ../subiquitycore/ui/views/
msgid "No access point configured"
msgstr "Nie skonfigurowany punkt dostępu"
#: ../subiquitycore/ui/views/
#, python-format
msgid "Will use DHCP for IPv%s, currently has address%%s:"
msgstr "Użyje DHCP dla IPv% s, aktualnie ma adres %% s:"
#: ../subiquitycore/ui/views/
#, python-format
msgid "Will use DHCP for IPv%s"
msgstr "Użyje DHCP dla IPv%s"
#: ../subiquitycore/ui/views/
#, python-format
msgid "Using static address%%s for IPv%s:"
msgstr "Używanie adresu statycznego %% s dla IPv% s:"
#: ../subiquitycore/ui/views/
#, python-format
msgid "Will use static address%%s for IPv%s:"
msgstr "Użyje statycznego adresu %%s dla IPc%s:"
#: ../subiquitycore/ui/views/
#, python-format
msgid "Currently has address%s:"
msgstr "Obeny adres %s:"
#: ../subiquitycore/ui/views/
#, python-format
msgid "Has no IPv%s configuration, currently has address%%s:"
msgstr "Brak konfiguracji IPv%s, obecny adres %%s:"
#: ../subiquitycore/ui/views/
#, python-format
msgid "IPv%s is not configured"
msgstr "IPv%s nie skonfugurowany"
#: ../subiquitycore/ui/views/
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Back"
msgstr "Wstecz"
#: ../subiquitycore/ui/views/
msgid "Not connected"
msgstr "Brak połączenia"
#: ../subiquitycore/ui/views/
#, python-format
msgid " IPv4 default route %s."
msgstr " Brak domyślnej trasy %s."
#: ../subiquity/models/ ../subiquity/models/
msgid "{!r} is not valid input"
msgstr ""
#: ../subiquity/models/
msgid "local disk"
msgstr ""
#: ../subiquity/models/
msgid "partition of {}"
msgstr ""
#: ../subiquity/models/
msgid "Install Ubuntu"
msgstr "Zainstaluj Ubuntu"
#: ../subiquity/models/
msgid "Install MAAS bare-metal cloud (region)"
msgstr ""
#: ../subiquity/models/
msgid "Install MAAS bare-metal cloud (rack)"
msgstr ""
#: ../subiquity/ui/
msgid "other"
msgstr "inny"
#: ../subiquity/ui/
msgid "leave unmounted"
msgstr "zastaw niezamontowane"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
msgid "Add another partition"
msgstr "Dodaj kolejną partycję"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
msgid "Add first partition"
msgstr "Dodaj pierwszą partycję"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
msgid "entire disk"
msgstr "cały dysk"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
msgid "Partition {}"
msgstr "Partycja {}"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
msgid "free space"
msgstr "dostępna przestrzeń"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
msgid "Select as boot disk"
msgstr "Ustaw jako dysk rozruchowy (boot)"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
msgid "Format or create swap on entire device (unusual, advanced)"
msgstr ""
"Formatowanie lub partycjonowanie swap dla całego nośnika (ustawienie "
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
msgid "Show disk information"
msgstr "Pokaż informacje o dysku"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
msgid ""
"Selecting Continue below will begin the installation process and result in "
"the loss of data on the disks selected to be formatted.\n"
"You will not be able to return to this or a previous screen once the "
"installation has started.\n"
"Are you sure you want to continue?"
msgstr ""
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
msgid "Continue"
msgstr "Kontynuuj"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
msgid "Confirm destructive action"
msgstr "Potwierdź destrukcyjne działanie"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
msgstr "MOUNT POINT"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
msgid "SWAP"
msgstr "SWAP"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
msgid "No disks or partitions mounted."
msgstr "Brak zamontowanych dysków i partycji"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
msgid "SIZE"
msgstr "Rozmiar"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
msgid "TYPE"
msgstr "Typ"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
msgstr "Typ urządzenia"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
msgid "Reset"
msgstr "Przywróć"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
msgid "DEVICE"
msgstr "Urządzenie"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
msgid "entire device, "
msgstr "cała przestrzeń urządzenia, "
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
msgid "partition {}, "
msgstr "partycja {}, "
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
msgid "unformatted"
msgstr "niesformatowane"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
msgid "Add/Edit Partitions"
msgstr "Dodaj/Edytuj partycje"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
msgid "Add First Partition"
msgstr "Dodaj pierwszą partycję"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
msgid "Edit Partitions"
msgstr "Edytuj partycję"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
msgid "No disks available."
msgstr "Brak dostępnych dysków"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
msgid ""
"The installer can guide you through partitioning an entire disk or, if you "
"prefer, you can do it manually.\n"
"If you choose to partition an entire disk you will still have a chance to "
"review and modify the results."
msgstr ""
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
msgid "Use An Entire Disk"
msgstr "Użyj całego dysku"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
msgid "Manual"
msgstr "Ręczne"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
msgid "Choose the disk to install to:"
msgstr "Wybierz dysk do instalacji:"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
#, python-format
msgid "Capped partition size at %s"
msgstr ""
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
#, python-format
msgid "Rounded size up to %s"
msgstr ""
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
msgid "Size (max {})"
msgstr "Rozmiar (max {})"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
msgid "Path exceeds PATH_MAX"
msgstr ""
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
#, python-format
msgid "%s is already mounted at %s"
msgstr ""
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
msgid ""
"Required bootloader partition\n"
"GRUB will be installed onto the target disk's MBR.\n"
"However, on a disk with a GPT partition table, there is not enough space "
"after the MBR for GRUB to store its second-stage core.img, so a small "
"unformatted partition is needed at the start of the disk. It will not "
"contain a filesystem and will not be mounted, and cannot be edited here."
msgstr ""
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
msgid ""
"Required bootloader partition\n"
"This is the ESP / \"EFI system partition\" required by UEFI. Grub will be "
"installed onto this partition, which must be formatted as fat32. The only "
"aspect of this partition that can be edited is the size."
msgstr ""
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Utwórz"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/ ../subiquity/ui/views/
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/filesystem/
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Usuń"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "The characters : , and = are not permitted in this field"
msgstr "W tym polu niedozwolone są znaki: , oraz ="
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "The only characters permitted in this field are a-z, 0-9, _ and -"
msgstr "Dopuszczalne są znaki A-Z, 0-9, _ oraz -"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Import Username:"
msgstr "Import nazwy użytkownika:"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Github Username:"
msgstr "Nazwa użytkownika Github:"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Launchpad Username:"
msgstr "Nazwa użytkownika Launchpad:"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Your name:"
msgstr "Twoje imię:"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Your server's name:"
msgstr "Nazwa serwera:"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "The name it uses when it talks to other computers."
msgstr "Nazwa używana podczas komunikacji z innymi komputerami."
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Pick a username:"
msgstr "Wybierz nazwę użytkownika:"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Choose a password:"
msgstr "Ustaw hasło:"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Confirm your password:"
msgstr "Potwierdź hasło:"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Import SSH identity:"
msgstr "Importuj tożsamość SSH:"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "from Github"
msgstr "z Github"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "from Launchpad"
msgstr "z Launchpad"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "You can import your SSH keys from Github or Launchpad."
msgstr "Możesz importować klucze SSH z Github lub Launchpad"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Real name must not be empty."
msgstr "Prawdziwe imię nie może być puste."
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Realname too long, must be < "
msgstr "Nazwa jest za długa, musi być < "
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Server name must not be empty"
msgstr "Nazwa serwera nie może być pusta"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Server name too long, must be < "
msgstr "Nazwa serwera za długa, musi być < "
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Hostname must match NAME_REGEX, i.e. [a-z_][a-z0-9_-]*"
msgstr "Nazwa hosta może zawierać NAME_REGEX, np. [a-z_][a-z0-9_-]*"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Username missing"
msgstr "Brak nazwy użytkownika"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Username too long, must be < "
msgstr "Nazwa użytkownika jest za długa, musi być < "
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Username must match NAME_REGEX, i.e. [a-z_][a-z0-9_-]*"
msgstr "Nazwa użytkownika może zawierać NAME_REGEX, np. [a-z_][a-z0-9_-]*"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Password must be set"
msgstr "Hasło musi być ustawione"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/ ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Passwords do not match"
msgstr "Hasła nie pasują do siebie"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "This field must not be blank."
msgstr "To pole nie może pozostać puste"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "SSH id too long, must be < "
msgstr "Identyfikator SSH jest zbyt długi, musi być < "
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid ""
"A Launchpad username must be at least two characters long and start with a "
"letter or number. All letters must be lower-case. The characters +, - and . "
"are also allowed after the first character."
msgstr ""
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid ""
"A Github username may only contain alphanumeric characters or single "
"hyphens, and cannot begin or end with a hyphen."
msgstr ""
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Pick a username for the admin account:"
msgstr "Nazwa użytkownika konta administratora:"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Enter the administrative username."
msgstr "Podaj nazwę użytkownika dla konta administratora"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Please enter the password for this account."
msgstr "Podaj hasło dla tego konta"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Ubuntu MAAS Region API address:"
msgstr "Adres Ubuntu MAAS Region API:"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid ""
"e.g. \"\". localhost or are not useful "
"values here."
msgstr ""
"np. \"\". localhost lub nie są tutaj "
"pożądaną wartością."
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "MAAS shared secret:"
msgstr ""
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid ""
"The secret can be found in /var/lib/maas/secret on the region controller. "
msgstr ""
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "API address must be set"
msgstr "Podanie adresu API jest obowiązkowe"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Secret must be set"
msgstr ""
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "View full log"
msgstr "Wyświetl pełny log"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Full installer output"
msgstr ""
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Zakmnij"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Reboot Now"
msgstr "Uruchom ponownie"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Exit To Shell"
msgstr "Exit do Shell"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Keyboard auto-detection"
msgstr "Autodetekcja klawiatury"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid ""
"Keyboard detection starting. You will be asked a series of questions about "
"your keyboard. Press escape at any time to go back to the previous screen."
msgstr ""
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Keyboard auto detection failed, sorry"
msgstr "Autodetekcja klawiatury nie powiodła się"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid ""
"Keyboard auto detection completed.\n"
"Your keyboard was detected as:\n"
msgstr ""
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid ""
"If this is correct, select Done on the next screen. If not you can select "
"another layout or run the automated detection again.\n"
msgstr ""
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Layout"
msgstr "Układ"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Variant"
msgstr ""
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Please press one of the following keys:"
msgstr "Naciśnij jeden z klawiszy:"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Input was not recognized, try again"
msgstr "Nie rozpoznano wprowadzonego znaku. Spróbuj ponownie"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Is the following key present on your keyboard?"
msgstr "Czy ten znak występuje na klawiaturze?"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Applying config"
msgstr "Zapisywanie konfiguracji"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid ""
"You will need a way to toggle the keyboard between the national layout and "
"the standard Latin layout.\n"
"Right Alt or Caps Lock keys are often chosen for ergonomic reasons (in the "
"latter case, use the combination Shift+Caps Lock for normal Caps toggle). "
"Alt+Shift is also a popular combination; it will however lose its usual "
"behavior in Emacs and other programs that use it for specific needs.\n"
"Not all listed keys are present on all keyboards. "
msgstr ""
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Caps Lock"
msgstr "Caps Lock"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Right Alt (AltGr)"
msgstr "Prawy Alt (AltGr)"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Right Control"
msgstr "Prawy Ctrl"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Right Shift"
msgstr "Prawy Shift"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Right Logo key"
msgstr "Prawy klawisz logo (Win)"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Menu key"
msgstr "Klawisz menu"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Alt+Shift"
msgstr "Alt+Shift"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Control+Shift"
msgstr "Ctrl+Shift"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Control+Alt"
msgstr "Ctrl+Alt"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Alt+Caps Lock"
msgstr "Alt+Caps Lock"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Left Control+Left Shift"
msgstr "Lewy Ctrl+Lewy Shift"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Left Alt"
msgstr "Lewy Alt"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Left Control"
msgstr "Lewy Ctrl"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Left Shift"
msgstr "Lewy Shift"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Left Logo key"
msgstr "Lewy klawisz logo (Win)"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Scroll Lock key"
msgstr "Klawisz Scroll Lock"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "No toggling"
msgstr ""
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Shortcut: "
msgstr "Skrót: "
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Select layout toggle"
msgstr ""
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Layout:"
msgstr "Układ:"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Variant:"
msgstr ""
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Identify keyboard"
msgstr "Identyfikacja klawiatury"
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid ""
"If you need to use a HTTP proxy to access the outside world, enter the proxy "
"information here. Otherwise, leave this blank.\n"
"The proxy information should be given in the standard form of "
msgstr ""
#: ../subiquity/ui/views/
msgid "Proxy address:"
msgstr "Adres proxy:"