# Copyright 2015 Canonical, Ltd. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """ Network Model Provides network device listings and extended network information """ import logging from urwid import ( connect_signal, Text, ) from subiquitycore.models.network import ( addr_version, NetDevAction, ) from subiquitycore.ui.actionmenu import ActionMenu from subiquitycore.ui.buttons import ( back_btn, done_btn, menu_btn, ) from subiquitycore.ui.container import ( Pile, ) from subiquitycore.ui.spinner import Spinner from subiquitycore.ui.stretchy import StretchyOverlay from subiquitycore.ui.table import ColSpec, TablePile, TableRow from subiquitycore.ui.utils import ( button_pile, Color, make_action_menu_row, screen, ) from subiquitycore.ui.width import widget_width from .network_configure_manual_interface import ( AddVlanStretchy, BondStretchy, EditNetworkStretchy, ViewInterfaceInfo, ) from .network_configure_wlan_interface import NetworkConfigureWLANStretchy from subiquitycore.view import BaseView log = logging.getLogger('subiquitycore.views.network') def _stretchy_shower(cls, *args): def impl(self, name, device): stretchy = cls(self, device, *args) stretchy.attach_context(self.controller.context.child(name)) self.show_stretchy_overlay(stretchy) impl.opens_dialog = True return impl class NetworkView(BaseView): title = _("Network connections") excerpt = _("Configure at least one interface this server can use to talk " "to other machines, and which preferably provides sufficient " "access for updates.") def __init__(self, model, controller): self.model = model self.controller = controller self.dev_to_table = {} self.cur_netdevs = [] self.error = Text("", align='center') self.device_colspecs = { 0: ColSpec(rpad=1), 3: ColSpec(min_width=15), 4: ColSpec(can_shrink=True, rpad=1), } self.device_pile = Pile(self._build_model_inputs()) self._create_bond_btn = menu_btn( _("Create bond"), on_press=self._create_bond) bp = button_pile([self._create_bond_btn]) bp.align = 'left' rows = [ self.device_pile, bp, ] self.buttons = button_pile([ done_btn("TBD", on_press=self.done), # See _route_watcher back_btn(_("Back"), on_press=self.cancel), ]) self.bottom = Pile([ ('pack', self.buttons), ]) self.controller.network_event_receiver.add_default_route_watcher( self._route_watcher) self.error_showing = False super().__init__(screen( rows=rows, buttons=self.bottom, focus_buttons=True, excerpt=self.excerpt)) _action_INFO = _stretchy_shower(ViewInterfaceInfo) _action_EDIT_WLAN = _stretchy_shower(NetworkConfigureWLANStretchy) _action_EDIT_IPV4 = _stretchy_shower(EditNetworkStretchy, 4) _action_EDIT_IPV6 = _stretchy_shower(EditNetworkStretchy, 6) _action_EDIT_BOND = _stretchy_shower(BondStretchy) _action_ADD_VLAN = _stretchy_shower(AddVlanStretchy) def _action_DELETE(self, device): touched_devs = set() if device.type == "bond": for name in device.config['interfaces']: touched_devs.add(self.model.get_netdev_by_name(name)) device.config = None self.del_link(device) for dev in touched_devs: self.update_link(dev) self.controller.apply_config() def _action(self, sender, action, device): action, meth = action meth("{}/{}".format(device.name, action.name), device) def _route_watcher(self, routes): log.debug('view route_watcher %s', routes) if routes: label = _("Done") else: label = _("Continue without network") self.buttons.base_widget[0].set_label(label) self.buttons.width = max( 14, widget_width(self.buttons.base_widget[0]), widget_width(self.buttons.base_widget[1]), ) def show_apply_spinner(self): s = Spinner(self.controller.app.aio_loop) s.start() c = TablePile([ TableRow([ Text(_("Applying changes")), s, ]), ], align='center') self.bottom.contents[0:0] = [ (c, self.bottom.options()), (Text(""), self.bottom.options()), ] def hide_apply_spinner(self): if len(self.bottom.contents) > 2: self.bottom.contents[0:2] = [] def _notes_for_device(self, dev): notes = [] if dev.type == "eth" and not dev.info.is_connected: notes.append(_("not connected")) for dev2 in self.model.get_all_netdevs(): if dev2.type != "bond": continue if dev.name in dev2.config.get('interfaces', []): notes.append(_("enslaved to {}").format(dev2.name)) break if notes: notes = ", ".join(notes) else: notes = '-' return notes def _address_rows_for_device(self, dev): address_info = [] dhcp_addresses = dev.dhcp_addresses() for v in 4, 6: if dev.dhcp_enabled(v): label = Text("DHCPv{v}".format(v=v)) addrs = dhcp_addresses.get(v) if addrs: address_info.extend( [(label, Text(addr)) for addr in addrs]) elif dev.dhcp_state(v) == "PENDING": s = Spinner(self.controller.app.aio_loop, align='left') s.rate = 0.3 s.start() address_info.append((label, s)) elif dev.dhcp_state(v) == "TIMEDOUT": address_info.append((label, Text(_("timed out")))) elif dev.dhcp_state(v) == "RECONFIGURE": address_info.append((label, Text("-"))) else: address_info.append(( label, Text(_("unknown state {}".format(dev.dhcp_state(v)))) )) else: addrs = [] for ip in dev.config.get('addresses', []): if addr_version(ip) == v: addrs.append(str(ip)) if addrs: address_info.append( (Text(_('static')), Text(', '.join(addrs)))) if len(address_info) == 0: # Do not show an interface as disabled if it is part of a bond or # has a vlan on it. if not dev.is_used: reason = dev.disabled_reason if reason is None: reason = "" address_info.append((Text(_("disabled")), Text(reason))) rows = [] for label, value in address_info: rows.append(TableRow([Text(""), label, (2, value)])) return rows def new_link(self, new_dev): log.debug( "new_link %s %s %s", new_dev.name, new_dev.ifindex, (new_dev in self.cur_netdevs)) if new_dev in self.dev_to_table: self.update_link(new_dev) return for i, cur_dev in enumerate(self.cur_netdevs): if cur_dev.name > new_dev.name: netdev_i = i break else: netdev_i = len(self.cur_netdevs) w = self._device_widget(new_dev, netdev_i) self.device_pile.contents[netdev_i+1:netdev_i+1] = [ (w, self.device_pile.options('pack'))] def update_link(self, dev): log.debug( "update_link %s %s %s", dev.name, dev.ifindex, (dev in self.cur_netdevs)) if dev not in self.cur_netdevs: return # Update the display of dev to represent the current state. # # The easiest way of doing this would be to just create a new table # widget for the device and replace the current one with it. But that # is jarring if the menu for the current device is open, so instead we # overwrite the content of the first (menu) row of the old table with # the contents of the first row of the new table, and replace all other # rows of the old table with new content (which is OK as they cannot be # focused). old_table = self.dev_to_table[dev] first_row = old_table.table_rows[0].base_widget first_row.cells[1][1].set_text(dev.name) first_row.cells[2][1].set_text(dev.type) first_row.cells[3][1].set_text(self._notes_for_device(dev)) old_table.remove_rows(1, len(old_table.table_rows)) old_table.insert_rows(1, self._address_rows_for_device(dev)) def _remove_row(self, netdev_i): # MonitoredFocusList clamps the focus position to the new # length of the list when you remove elements but it doesn't # check that that the element it moves the focus to is # selectable... new_length = len(self.device_pile.contents) - 1 refocus = self.device_pile.focus_position >= new_length del self.device_pile.contents[netdev_i] if refocus: self.device_pile._select_last_selectable() else: while not self.device_pile.focus.selectable(): self.device_pile.focus_position += 1 self.device_pile.focus._select_first_selectable() def del_link(self, dev): log.debug( "del_link %s %s %s", dev.name, dev.ifindex, (dev in self.cur_netdevs)) # If a virtual device disappears while we still have config # for it, we assume it will be back soon. if dev.is_virtual and dev.config is not None: return if dev in self.cur_netdevs: netdev_i = self.cur_netdevs.index(dev) self._remove_row(netdev_i+1) del self.cur_netdevs[netdev_i] del self.dev_to_table[dev] if isinstance(self._w, StretchyOverlay): stretchy = self._w.stretchy if getattr(stretchy, 'device', None) is dev: self.remove_overlay() def _device_widget(self, dev, netdev_i=None): # Create the widget for a nic. This consists of a Pile containing a # table, an info line and a blank line. The first row of the table is # the one that can be focused and has a menu for manipulating the nic, # the other rows summarize its address config. # [ name type notes ▸ ] \ # address info | <- table # more address info / # mac / vendor info / model info # if netdev_i is None: netdev_i = len(self.cur_netdevs) self.cur_netdevs[netdev_i:netdev_i] = [dev] actions = [] for action in NetDevAction: meth = getattr(self, '_action_' + action.name) opens_dialog = getattr(meth, 'opens_dialog', False) if dev.supports_action(action): actions.append( (_(action.value), True, (action, meth), opens_dialog)) menu = ActionMenu(actions) connect_signal(menu, 'action', self._action, dev) trows = [make_action_menu_row([ Text("["), Text(dev.name), Text(dev.type), Text(self._notes_for_device(dev), wrap='clip'), menu, Text("]"), ], menu)] + self._address_rows_for_device(dev) table = TablePile(trows, colspecs=self.device_colspecs, spacing=2) self.dev_to_table[dev] = table table.bind(self.heading_table) if dev.type == "vlan": info = _("VLAN {id} on interface {link}").format( **dev.config) elif dev.type == "bond": info = _("bond master for {}").format( ', '.join(dev.config['interfaces'])) else: info = " / ".join([ dev.info.hwaddr, dev.info.vendor, dev.info.model]) return Pile([ ('pack', table), ('pack', Color.info_minor(Text(" " + info))), ('pack', Text("")), ]) def _build_model_inputs(self): self.heading_table = TablePile([ TableRow([ Color.info_minor(Text(header)) for header in [ "", "NAME", "TYPE", "NOTES", "", ] ]) ], spacing=2, colspecs=self.device_colspecs) rows = [self.heading_table] for dev in self.model.get_all_netdevs(): rows.append(self._device_widget(dev)) return rows def _create_bond(self, sender=None): stretchy = BondStretchy(self) stretchy.attach_context(self.controller.context.child("add_bond")) self.show_stretchy_overlay(stretchy) def show_network_error(self, action, info=None): self.error_showing = True self.bottom.contents[0:0] = [ (Color.info_error(self.error), self.bottom.options()), (Text(""), self.bottom.options()), ] if action == 'stop-networkd': exc = info[0] self.error.set_text( "Stopping systemd-networkd-failed: %r" % (exc.stderr,)) elif action == 'apply': self.error.set_text("Network configuration could not be applied; " "please verify your settings.") elif action == 'timeout': self.error.set_text("Network configuration timed out; " "please verify your settings.") elif action == 'down': self.error.set_text("Downing network interfaces failed.") elif action == 'add-vlan': self.error.set_text("Failed to add a VLAN tag.") elif action == 'rm-dev': self.error.set_text("Failed to delete a virtual interface.") else: self.error.set_text("An unexpected error has occurred; " "please verify your settings.") def done(self, result=None): if self.error_showing: self.bottom.contents[0:2] = [] self.controller.network_event_receiver.remove_default_route_watcher( self._route_watcher) self.controller.done() def cancel(self, button=None): self.controller.network_event_receiver.remove_default_route_watcher( self._route_watcher) self.controller.cancel()