Getting Started --------------- Grab a copy of curtin (for some conversion tools): sudo apt-get install bzr mkdir -p ~/download cd ~/download bzr branch lp:curtin Create the image ---------------- Generate the install image from subiquity's root directory: installer/geninstaller -a amd64 -b grub2 -r zesty Run the installer ----------------- # generate target device qemu-img create -f raw target.img 10G # run installer sudo qemu-system-x86_64 -m 1024 -enable-kvm \ -hda installer.img -hdb target.img \ -serial telnet:,server,nowait \ -monitor stdio Boot the installed image ------------------------ sudo qemu-system-x86_64 -m 1024 -enable-kvm \ -hda target.img \ -serial telnet:,server,nowait