{ "type": "sync", "status-code": 200, "status": "OK", "result": [ { "id": "mDxT0cGOHKSs62MOHSK5Ype0Na5UU2LB", "title": "mosquitto", "summary": "Eclipse Mosquitto MQTT broker", "description": "This is a message broker that supports version 3.1 and 3.1.1 of the MQTT protocol. MQTT provides a method of carrying out messaging using a publish/subscribe model. It is lightweight, both in terms of bandwidth usage and ease of implementation. This makes it particularly useful at the edge of the network where a sensor or other simple device may be implemented using an arduino for example.\n\nThis snap runs as a service by default, using a configuration file $SNAP_COMMON/mosquitto.conf, which is typically /var/snap/mosquitto/common/mosquitto.conf. Due to the ways snaps work and are confined at the moment, it is a requirement to have a `user root` line in your configuration file so that the broker does not attempt to change to the mosquitto user.\n\nYou can also run mosquitto as a normal user, in which case it expects a configuration file at $SNAP_USER_COMMON/mosquitto.conf, or /home/user/snap/mosquitto/common/mosquitto.conf", "download-size": 1748992, "icon": "https://dashboard.snapcraft.io/site_media/appmedia/2018/03/logo-256.png", "name": "mosquitto", "developer": "ralight", "status": "available", "type": "app", "version": "1.5", "channel": "edge", "ignore-validation": false, "revision": "35", "confinement": "strict", "private": false, "devmode": false, "jailmode": false, "contact": "https://mosquitto.org/", "license": "EPL-1.0", "channels": { "latest/beta": { "revision": "33", "confinement": "strict", "version": "1.5", "channel": "beta", "epoch": "0", "size": 1748992 }, "latest/candidate": { "revision": "33", "confinement": "strict", "version": "1.5", "channel": "candidate", "epoch": "0", "size": 1748992 }, "latest/edge": { "revision": "35", "confinement": "strict", "version": "1.5", "channel": "edge", "epoch": "0", "size": 1748992 }, "latest/stable": { "revision": "33", "confinement": "strict", "version": "1.5", "channel": "stable", "epoch": "0", "size": 1748992 } }, "tracks": [ "latest" ] } ], "sources": [ "store" ], "suggested-currency": "USD" }