{ "type": "sync", "status-code": 200, "status": "OK", "result": [ { "id": "V4Z90JuG4d64ycAAl948fM4vWQA9594q", "title": "keepalived", "summary": "High availability VRRP and load-balancing for Linux", "description": "Keepalived is routing software written in C to provide simple and robust\nfacilities for loadbalancing and high-availability to Linux based\ninfrastructures. Loadbalancing framework relies on well-known Linux\nVirtual Server (IPVS) kernel module providing Layer4 loadbalancing.\nHigh-availability is achieved by VRRP protocol.\n", "download-size": 11427840, "name": "keepalived", "developer": "sabdfl", "status": "available", "type": "app", "version": "v1.4+git", "channel": "edge", "ignore-validation": false, "revision": "185", "confinement": "classic", "private": false, "devmode": false, "jailmode": false, "contact": "mailto:mark@ubuntu.com", "license": "GPL-2.0", "channels": { "1.3/candidate": { "revision": "183", "confinement": "classic", "version": "1.3.9", "channel": "1.3/candidate", "epoch": "0", "size": 11386880 }, "1.3/stable": { "revision": "67", "confinement": "classic", "version": "1.3.5", "channel": "1.3/stable", "epoch": "0", "size": 11161600 }, "latest/candidate": { "revision": "184", "confinement": "classic", "version": "1.4.4", "channel": "candidate", "epoch": "0", "size": 11423744 }, "latest/edge": { "revision": "185", "confinement": "classic", "version": "v1.4+git", "channel": "edge", "epoch": "0", "size": 11427840 }, "latest/stable": { "revision": "67", "confinement": "classic", "version": "1.3.5", "channel": "stable", "epoch": "0", "size": 11161600 } }, "tracks": [ "latest", "1.3" ] } ], "sources": [ "store" ], "suggested-currency": "USD" }