#!/bin/bash set -eux IMAGE=$1 SCRIPT=$2 TESTER=subiquity-${IMAGE##*:} lxd init --auto if [ -z "$(lxc list -f csv -c n ^${TESTER}\$)" ] then lxc launch $IMAGE $TESTER lxc config device add $TESTER code disk source=`pwd` path=/subiquity else lxc start $TESTER fi # copy is allowed to fail, in case the subiquity directory being tested # includes some uncopyable stuff lxc exec $TESTER -- sh -ec " cd ~ sudo cp -a /subiquity . || true [ -d ~/subiquity ] " attempts=0 while ! lxc file pull $TESTER/etc/resolv.conf - 2> /dev/null | grep -q ^nameserver; do sleep 1 attempts=$((attempts+1)) if [ $attempts -gt 30 ]; then lxc file pull $TESTER/etc/resolv.conf lxc exec $TESTER -- ps aux echo "Network failed to come up after 30 seconds" exit 1 fi done if ! lxc file pull $TESTER/etc/resolv.conf - 2> /dev/null | grep ^nameserver | grep -qv then echo "systemd-resolved" while ! lxc file pull $TESTER/run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf - 2> /dev/null | grep -v fe80 | grep -q ^nameserver; do sleep 1 attempts=$((attempts+1)) if [ $attempts -gt 30 ]; then echo "Network failed to come up after 30 seconds" exit 1 fi done fi if ! lxc exec $TESTER -- cloud-init status --wait; then ec=$? case $ec in 0|2) # 2 is warnings ;; *) echo "cloud-init status failed with $ec" exit $ec ;; esac fi lxc exec $TESTER -- sh -ec " cd ~/subiquity ./scripts/installdeps.sh $SCRIPT" lxc stop $TESTER