# Copyright 2015 Canonical, Ltd. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import copy import fnmatch import glob import ipaddress import logging import os from socket import AF_INET, AF_INET6 import yaml, yaml.reader NETDEV_IGNORED_IFACE_NAMES = ['lo'] NETDEV_IGNORED_IFACE_TYPES = ['bridge', 'tun', 'tap', 'dummy', 'sit'] log = logging.getLogger('subiquitycore.models.network') class _NetplanDevice: def __init__(self, name, config): match = config.get('match') if match is None: self.match_name = name self.match_mac = None self.match_driver = None else: self.match_name = match.get('name') self.match_mac = match.get('macaddress') self.match_driver = match.get('driver') self.config = config def matches_link(self, link): if self.match_name is not None: matches_name = fnmatch.fnmatch(link.name, self.match_name) else: matches_name = True if self.match_mac is not None: matches_mac = self.match_mac == link.hwaddr else: matches_mac = True if self.match_driver is not None: matches_driver = self.match_driver == link.driver else: matches_driver = True return matches_name and matches_mac and matches_driver class NetplanConfig: """A NetplanConfig represents the network config for a system. Call parse_netplan_config() with each piece of yaml config, and then call config_for_device to get the config that matches a particular network devices, if any. """ def __init__(self): self.devices = [] def parse_netplan_config(self, config): try: config = yaml.safe_load(config) except yaml.reader.ReaderError as e: log.info("could not parse config: %s", e) return network = config.get('network') if network is None: log.info("no 'network' key in config") return version = network.get("version") if version != 2: log.info("network has no/unexpected version %s", version) return for ethernet, eth_config in network.get('ethernets', {}).items(): self.devices.append(_NetplanDevice(ethernet, eth_config)) for wifi, wifi_config in network.get('wifis', {}).items(): self.devices.append(_NetplanDevice(wifi, wifi_config)) def config_for_device(self, link): for dev in self.devices: if dev.matches_link(link): config = copy.deepcopy(dev.config) if 'match' in config: del config['match'] return config else: return {} def ip_version(ip): return ipaddress.ip_interface(ip).version class Networkdev: """A Networkdev is console-conf's view of a network device. The view code only ever sees objects of this type. There are two 'sides' to a Networkdev: the state the device is actually in, and the device's configuration. Where there is abiguity (e.g. when it comes to IP addresses), the former has attribute names like "actual_ip_addresses_for_version" and the latter has names like "configured_ip_addresses_for_version". """ def __init__(self, net_info, configuration): self._net_info = net_info self._configuration = configuration def render(self): if self.configured_ip_addresses or self.dhcp4 or self.dhcp6: return {self.name: self._configuration} else: return {} @property def configured(self): if self.configured_ip_addresses or self.dhcp4 or self.dhcp6: return True return False @property def name(self): return self._net_info.name @property def ifindex(self): return self._net_info.ifindex @property def type(self): return self._net_info.type @property def hwaddr(self): return self._net_info.hwaddr @property def vendor(self): return self._net_info.vendor @property def model(self): return self._net_info.model @property def is_connected(self): return self._net_info.is_connected @property def is_bond_slave(self): return self._net_info.bond['is_slave'] @property def is_bond_master(self): return self._net_info.bond['is_master'] @property def is_bonded(self): return self.is_bond_master or self.is_bond_slave @property def speed(self): '''string'ify and bucketize iface speed: 1M, 10M, 1G, 10G, 40G, 100G ''' hwattr = self._net_info.udev_data['attrs'] speed = hwattr.get('speed', 0) if not speed: return None speed = int(speed) if speed < 1000: return "{}M".format(speed) return "{}G".format(int(speed / 1000)) def dhcp_for_version(self, version): dhcp_key = 'dhcp%s'%(version,) return self._configuration.get(dhcp_key, False) @property def dhcp4(self): return self._configuration.get('dhcp4', False) @dhcp4.setter def dhcp4(self, val): if val: self._configuration['dhcp4'] = val else: self._configuration.pop('dhcp4', None) @property def dhcp6(self): return self._configuration.get('dhcp6', False) @dhcp6.setter def dhcp6(self, val): if val: self._configuration['dhcp6'] = val else: self._configuration.pop('dhcp6', None) def actual_ip_addresses_for_version(self, version): if version == 4: fam = AF_INET elif version == 6: fam = AF_INET6 return [addr.ip for _, addr in sorted(self._net_info.addresses.items()) if addr.family == fam] @property def actual_ip_addresses(self): return self.actual_ip_addresses_for_version(4) + self.actual_ip_addresses_for_version(6) def configured_ip_addresses_for_version(self, version): r = [] for ip in self._configuration.get('addresses', []): if ip_version(ip) == version: r.append(ip) return r @property def actual_global_ip_addresses(self): return [addr.ip for _, addr in sorted(self._net_info.addresses.items()) if addr.scope == "global"] @property def configured_ip_addresses(self): return self._configuration.setdefault('addresses', []) def configured_gateway_for_version(self, version): return self._configuration.get('gateway%s'%(version,), None) def set_configured_gateway_for_version(self, version, gateway): key = 'gateway%s'%(version,) if gateway is None: self._configuration.pop(key, None) else: self._configuration[key] = gateway @property def configured_nameservers(self): ns = self._configuration.setdefault('nameservers', {}) return ns.setdefault('addresses', []) @property def configured_searchdomains(self): ns = self._configuration.setdefault('nameservers', {}) return ns.setdefault('search', []) @property def actual_ssid(self): if self._net_info.ssid: return self._net_info.ssid else: return None @property def actual_ssids(self): return self._net_info.wlan['visible_ssids'] @property def scan_state(self): return self._net_info.wlan['scan_state'] @property def configured_ssid(self): aps = list(self._configuration.get('access-points', {}).keys()) if len(aps) > 0: return aps[0] else: return None @property def configured_wifi_psk(self): aps = list(self._configuration.get('access-points', {}).keys()) if len(aps) > 0: ap = self._configuration.get('access-points', {})[aps[0]] return ap.get('password') else: return None def set_ssid_psk(self, ssid, psk): aps = self._configuration.setdefault('access-points', {}) aps.clear() if ssid is not None: aps[ssid] = {} if psk is not None: aps[ssid]['password'] = psk def remove_networks(self): self.remove_ip_networks_for_version(4) self.remove_ip_networks_for_version(6) def remove_ip_networks_for_version(self, version): dhcp_key = 'dhcp%s'%(version,) setattr(self, dhcp_key, False) addrs = [] for ip in self._configuration.get('addresses', []): if ip_version(ip) != version: addrs.append(ip) self._configuration['addresses'] = addrs self.set_configured_gateway_for_version(version, None) def remove_nameservers(self): self._configuration['nameservers'] = {} def add_network(self, version, network): # result = { # 'network': self.subnet_input.value, # 'address': self.address_input.value, # 'gateway': self.gateway_input.value, # 'nameserver': [nameservers], # 'searchdomains': [searchdomains], # } address = network['address'].split('/')[0] address += '/' + network['network'].split('/')[1] self.configured_ip_addresses.append(address) self.set_configured_gateway_for_version(version, network['gateway']) self.configured_nameservers.extend(network['nameservers']) self.configured_searchdomains.extend(network['searchdomains']) def valid_ipv4_address(addr): try: ip = ipaddress.IPv4Address(addr) except ipaddress.AddressValueError: return False return ip def _sanitize_inteface_config(iface_config): for ap, ap_config in iface_config.get('access-points', {}).items(): if 'password' in ap_config: ap_config['password'] = '' def sanitize_interface_config(iface_config): iface_config = copy.deepcopy(iface_config) _sanitize_inteface_config(iface_config) return iface_config def sanitize_config(config): """Return a copy of config with passwords redacted.""" config = copy.deepcopy(config) for iface, iface_config in config.get('network', {}).get('wifis', {}).items(): _sanitize_inteface_config(iface_config) return config class NetworkModel(object): """ Model representing network interfaces """ additional_options = [ #('Set a custom IPv4 default route', 'menu:network:main:set-default-v4-route'), #('Set a custom IPv6 default route', 'menu:network:main:set-default-v6-route'), #('Bond interfaces', 'menu:network:main:bond-interfaces'), #('Install network driver', 'network:install-network-driver'), ] # TODO: what is "linear" level? bonding_modes = { 0: 'balance-rr', 1: 'active-backup', 2: 'balance-xor', 3: 'broadcast', 4: '802.3ad', 5: 'balance-tlb', 6: 'balance-alb', } def __init__(self, support_wlan=True): self.support_wlan = support_wlan self.devices = {} # Maps ifindex to Networkdev self.devices_by_name = {} # Maps interface names to Networkdev self.default_v4_gateway = None self.default_v6_gateway = None self.v4_gateway_dev = None self.v6_gateway_dev = None self.network_routes = {} def parse_netplan_configs(self, netplan_root): self.config = NetplanConfig() configs_by_basename = {} paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(netplan_root, 'lib/netplan', "*.yaml")) + \ glob.glob(os.path.join(netplan_root, 'etc/netplan', "*.yaml")) + \ glob.glob(os.path.join(netplan_root, 'run/netplan', "*.yaml")) for path in paths: configs_by_basename[os.path.basename(path)] = path for _, path in sorted(configs_by_basename.items()): try: fp = open(path) except OSError: log.exception("opening %s failed", path) with fp: self.config.parse_netplan_config(fp.read()) def get_menu(self): return self.additional_options def new_link(self, ifindex, link): if link.type in NETDEV_IGNORED_IFACE_TYPES: return if not self.support_wlan and link.type == "wlan": return if link.name in NETDEV_IGNORED_IFACE_NAMES: return if link.is_virtual: return config = self.config.config_for_device(link) log.debug("new_link %s %s with config %s", ifindex, link.name, sanitize_interface_config(config)) self.devices[ifindex] = Networkdev(link, config) self.devices_by_name[link.name] = Networkdev(link, config) def update_link(self, ifindex): # This is pretty edge-casey as the fact that we wait for the # udev queue to settle should mean we never see an interface # be renamed. But just in case... if ifindex not in self.devices: return dev = self.devices[ifindex] for k, v in self.devices_by_name.items(): if v.ifindex == ifindex and k != dev.name: log.debug("link renamed %s -> %s", k, dev.name) del self.devices_by_name[k] self.devices_by_name[dev.name] = dev return def del_link(self, ifindex): if ifindex in self.devices: dev = self.devices[ifindex] del self.devices_by_name[dev.name] del self.devices[ifindex] def get_all_netdevs(self): return [v for k, v in sorted(self.devices_by_name.items())] def get_configured_interfaces(self): return [dev for dev in self.get_all_netdevs() if dev.configured] def get_netdev_by_name(self, name): return self.devices_by_name[name] def add_bond(self, ifname, interfaces, params=[], subnets=[]): # This needs rewriting! ''' create a bond action and info dict from parameters ''' for iface in interfaces: self.devices[iface].remove_networks() self.devices[iface].dhcp4 = False self.devices[iface].dhcp6 = False self.devices[iface].switchport = True info = { "bond": { "is_master": True, "is_slave": False, "mode": params['bond-mode'], "slaves": interfaces, }, "bridge": { "interfaces": [], "is_bridge": False, "is_port": False, "options": {} }, "hardware": { "INTERFACE": ifname, 'ID_MODEL_FROM_DATABASE': " + ".join(interfaces), 'attrs': { 'address': "00:00:00:00:00:00", 'speed': None, }, }, "ip": { "addr": "", "netmask": "", "source": None }, "type": "bond" } bondinfo = make_network_info(ifname, info) bonddev = Networkdev(ifname, 'bond') bonddev.configure(probe_info=bondinfo) # update slave interface info for bondifname in interfaces: bondif = self.get_interface(bondifname) bondif.info.bond['is_slave'] = True log.debug('Marking {} as bond slave'.format(bondifname)) log.debug("add_bond: {} as netdev({})".format( ifname, bonddev)) self.devices[ifname] = bonddev self.info[ifname] = bondinfo def clear_gateways(self): log.debug("clearing default gateway") self.default_v4_gateway = None self.default_v6_gateway = None def set_default_v4_gateway(self, ifname, gateway_input): if gateway_input is None: self.default_v4_gateway = None self.v4_gateway_dev = None return addr = valid_ipv4_address(gateway_input) if addr is False: raise ValueError(('Invalid gateway IP ') + gateway_input) self.default_v4_gateway = addr.compressed self.v4_gateway_dev = ifname def set_default_v6_gateway(self, ifname, gateway_input): if gateway_input is None: self.default_v6_gateway = None self.v6_gateway_dev = None return # FIXME: validate v6 address. self.default_v6_gateway = gateway_input self.v6_gateway_dev = ifname def render(self): config = { 'network': { 'version': 2, }, } ethernets = {} bonds = {} wifis = {} for dev in self.devices.values(): if dev.type == 'eth': ethernets.update(dev.render()) if dev.type == 'bond': bonds.update(dev.render()) if dev.type == 'wlan': wifis.update(dev.render()) if any(ethernets): config['network']['ethernets'] = ethernets if any(bonds): config['network']['bonds'] = bonds if any(wifis): config['network']['wifis'] = wifis nw_routes = [] if self.default_v4_gateway: nw_routes.append({ 'to': '', 'via': self.default_v4_gateway }) if self.default_v6_gateway is not None: nw_routes.append({ 'to': '::/0', 'via': self.default_v6_gateway }) if len(nw_routes) > 0: config['network']['routes'] = nw_routes return config