#!/bin/bash ################# # Launcher init # ################# START=$(date +%s.%N) # ensure_dir_exists calls `mkdir -p` if the given path is not a directory. # This speeds up execution time by avoiding unnecessary calls to mkdir. # # Usage: ensure_dir_exists []... # function ensure_dir_exists() { [ -d "$1" ] || mkdir -p "$@" } declare -A PIDS function async_exec() { "$@" & PIDS[$!]=$* } function wait_for_async_execs() { for pid in "${!PIDS[@]}" do wait "$pid" && continue || echo "ERROR: ${PIDS[$pid]} exited abnormally with status $?" done } # shellcheck source=/dev/null source "$SNAP_USER_DATA/.last_revision" 2>/dev/null || true if [ "$SNAP_DESKTOP_LAST_REVISION" = "$SNAP_REVISION" ]; then needs_update=false else needs_update=true fi # Set $REALHOME to the users real home directory REALHOME=$(getent passwd $UID | cut -d ':' -f 6) # Set config folder to local path export XDG_CONFIG_HOME="$SNAP_USER_DATA/.config" ensure_dir_exists "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME" chmod 700 "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME" # If the user has modified their user-dirs settings, force an update if [[ -f "$REALHOME/.config/user-dirs.dirs" ]]; then if [[ -f "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/user-dirs.dirs.md5sum" ]]; then if [[ "$(md5sum < "$REALHOME/.config/user-dirs.dirs")" != "$(cat "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/user-dirs.dirs.md5sum")" || ( -f "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/user-dirs.locale.md5sum" && "$(md5sum < "$REALHOME/.config/user-dirs.locale")" != "$(cat "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/user-dirs.locale.md5sum")" ) ]]; then needs_update=true fi else # shellcheck disable=SC2034 needs_update=true fi fi if [ "$SNAP_ARCH" = "amd64" ]; then ARCH="x86_64-linux-gnu" elif [ "$SNAP_ARCH" = "armhf" ]; then ARCH="arm-linux-gnueabihf" elif [ "$SNAP_ARCH" = "arm64" ]; then ARCH="aarch64-linux-gnu" elif [ "$SNAP_ARCH" = "ppc64el" ]; then ARCH="powerpc64le-linux-gnu" else ARCH="$SNAP_ARCH-linux-gnu" fi export SNAP_LAUNCHER_ARCH_TRIPLET="$ARCH" # Don't LD_PRELOAD bindtextdomain for classic snaps if ! grep -qs "^\s*confinement:\s*classic\s*" "$SNAP/meta/snap.yaml"; then if [ -f "$SNAP/gnome-platform/lib/$ARCH/bindtextdomain.so" ]; then export LD_PRELOAD="$LD_PRELOAD:$SNAP/gnome-platform/\$LIB/bindtextdomain.so" elif [ -f "$SNAP/lib/$ARCH/bindtextdomain.so" ]; then export LD_PRELOAD="$LD_PRELOAD:$SNAP/\$LIB/bindtextdomain.so" fi fi ############################################### # Launcher common exports for any desktop app # ############################################### # Note: We avoid using `eval` because we don't want to expand variable names # in paths. For example: LD_LIBRARY_PATH paths might contain `$LIB`. function prepend_dir() { local -n var="$1" local dir="$2" # We can't check if the dir exists when the dir contains variables if [[ "$dir" == *"\$"* || -d "$dir" ]]; then export "${!var}=${dir}${var:+:$var}" fi } function append_dir() { local -n var="$1" local dir="$2" # We can't check if the dir exists when the dir contains variables if [[ "$dir" == *"\$"* || -d "$dir" ]]; then export "${!var}=${var:+$var:}${dir}" fi } function can_open_file() { [ -f "$1" ] && [ -r "$1" ] } function update_xdg_dirs_values() { local save_initial_values=false local XDG_DIRS="DOCUMENTS DESKTOP DOWNLOAD MUSIC PICTURES VIDEOS PUBLICSHARE TEMPLATES" unset XDG_SPECIAL_DIRS_PATHS if [ -f "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/user-dirs.dirs" ]; then # shellcheck source=/dev/null source "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/user-dirs.dirs" fi if [ -z ${XDG_SPECIAL_DIRS+x} ]; then save_initial_values=true fi for d in $XDG_DIRS; do var="XDG_${d}_DIR" value="${!var}" if [ "$save_initial_values" = true ]; then XDG_SPECIAL_DIRS+=("$var") XDG_SPECIAL_DIRS_INITIAL_PATHS+=("$value") fi XDG_SPECIAL_DIRS_PATHS+=("$value") done } function is_subpath() { dir="$(realpath "$1")" parent="$(realpath "$2")" [ "${dir##$parent/}" != "$dir" ] && return 0 || return 1 } append_dir LD_LIBRARY_PATH "$SNAP_DESKTOP_RUNTIME/lib/$ARCH" append_dir LD_LIBRARY_PATH "$SNAP_DESKTOP_RUNTIME/usr/lib/$ARCH" append_dir LD_LIBRARY_PATH "$SNAP_DESKTOP_RUNTIME/usr/lib" append_dir LD_LIBRARY_PATH "$SNAP_DESKTOP_RUNTIME/lib" prepend_dir PATH "$SNAP_DESKTOP_RUNTIME/usr/bin" # XDG Config prepend_dir XDG_CONFIG_DIRS "$SNAP_DESKTOP_RUNTIME/etc/xdg" prepend_dir XDG_CONFIG_DIRS "$SNAP/etc/xdg" # Define snaps' own data dir prepend_dir XDG_DATA_DIRS "$SNAP_DESKTOP_RUNTIME/usr/share" prepend_dir XDG_DATA_DIRS "$SNAP/usr/share" prepend_dir XDG_DATA_DIRS "$SNAP/share" prepend_dir XDG_DATA_DIRS "$SNAP/data-dir" prepend_dir XDG_DATA_DIRS "$SNAP_USER_DATA" # Set XDG_DATA_HOME to local path export XDG_DATA_HOME="$SNAP_USER_DATA/.local/share" ensure_dir_exists "$XDG_DATA_HOME" # Workaround for GLib < 2.53.2 not searching for schemas in $XDG_DATA_HOME: # https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=741335 prepend_dir XDG_DATA_DIRS "$XDG_DATA_HOME" # Set cache folder to local path export XDG_CACHE_HOME="$SNAP_USER_COMMON/.cache" if [[ -d "$SNAP_USER_DATA/.cache" && ! -e "$XDG_CACHE_HOME" ]]; then # the .cache directory used to be stored under $SNAP_USER_DATA, migrate it mv "$SNAP_USER_DATA/.cache" "$SNAP_USER_COMMON/" fi ensure_dir_exists "$XDG_CACHE_HOME" # Create $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR if not exists (to be removed when LP: #1656340 is fixed) # shellcheck disable=SC2174 ensure_dir_exists "$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR" -m 700 # Ensure the app finds locale definitions (requires locales-all to be installed) append_dir LOCPATH "$SNAP_DESKTOP_RUNTIME/usr/lib/locale" # If any, keep track of where XDG dirs were so we can potentially migrate the content later update_xdg_dirs_values # Setup user-dirs.* or run xdg-user-dirs-update if needed needs_xdg_update=false needs_xdg_reload=false needs_xdg_links=false if [ "$HOME" != "$SNAP_USER_DATA" ] && ! is_subpath "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME" "$HOME"; then for f in user-dirs.dirs user-dirs.locale; do if [ -f "$HOME/.config/$f" ]; then mv "$HOME/.config/$f" "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME" needs_xdg_reload=true fi done fi if can_open_file "$REALHOME/.config/user-dirs.dirs"; then # shellcheck disable=SC2154 if [ "$needs_update" = true ] || [ "$needs_xdg_reload" = true ]; then sed "/^#/!s#\$HOME#${REALHOME}#g" "$REALHOME/.config/user-dirs.dirs" > "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/user-dirs.dirs" md5sum < "$REALHOME/.config/user-dirs.dirs" > "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/user-dirs.dirs.md5sum" # It's possible user-dirs.dirs exists when user-dirs.locale doesn't. This # simply means the user opted to never ask to translate their user dirs if can_open_file "$REALHOME/.config/user-dirs.locale"; then cp -a "$REALHOME/.config/user-dirs.locale" "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME" md5sum < "$REALHOME/.config/user-dirs.locale" > "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/user-dirs.locale.md5sum" elif [ -f "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/user-dirs.locale.md5sum" ]; then rm "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/user-dirs.locale.md5sum" fi needs_xdg_reload=true fi else needs_xdg_update=true needs_xdg_links=true fi if [ $needs_xdg_reload = true ]; then update_xdg_dirs_values needs_xdg_reload=false fi # Check if we can actually read the contents of each xdg dir for ((i = 0; i < ${#XDG_SPECIAL_DIRS_PATHS[@]}; i++)); do if ! can_open_file "${XDG_SPECIAL_DIRS_PATHS[$i]}"; then needs_xdg_update=true needs_xdg_links=true break fi done # If needs XDG update and xdg-user-dirs-update exists in $PATH, run it if [ "$needs_xdg_update" = true ] && command -v xdg-user-dirs-update >/dev/null; then xdg-user-dirs-update update_xdg_dirs_values fi # Create links for user-dirs.dirs if [ "$needs_xdg_links" = true ]; then for ((i = 0; i < ${#XDG_SPECIAL_DIRS_PATHS[@]}; i++)); do b="$(realpath "${XDG_SPECIAL_DIRS_PATHS[$i]}" --relative-to="$HOME" 2>/dev/null)" if [[ -n "$b" && "$b" != "." && -e "$REALHOME/$b" ]]; then [ -d "$HOME/$b" ] && rmdir "$HOME/$b" 2> /dev/null [ ! -e "$HOME/$b" ] && ln -s "$REALHOME/$b" "$HOME/$b" fi done else # If we aren't creating new links, check if we have content saved in old locations and move it for ((i = 0; i < ${#XDG_SPECIAL_DIRS[@]}; i++)); do old="${XDG_SPECIAL_DIRS_INITIAL_PATHS[$i]}" new="${XDG_SPECIAL_DIRS_PATHS[$i]}" if [ -L "$old" ] && [ -d "$new" ] && [ "$(readlink "$old" 2>/dev/null)" != "$new" ] && (is_subpath "$old" "$SNAP_USER_DATA" || is_subpath "$old" "$SNAP_USER_COMMON"); then mv -vn "$old"/* "$new"/ 2>/dev/null elif [ -d "$old" ] && [ -d "$new" ] && [ "$old" != "$new" ] && (is_subpath "$old" "$SNAP_USER_DATA" || is_subpath "$old" "$SNAP_USER_COMMON"); then mv -vn "$old"/* "$new"/ 2>/dev/null fi done fi # Keep an array of data dirs, for looping through them IFS=':' read -r -a data_dirs_array <<< "$XDG_DATA_DIRS" # Font Config and themes export FONTCONFIG_PATH="$SNAP_DESKTOP_RUNTIME/etc/fonts" export FONTCONFIG_FILE="$SNAP_DESKTOP_RUNTIME/etc/fonts/fonts.conf" function make_user_fontconfig { echo "" if [ -d "$REALHOME/.local/share/fonts" ]; then echo " $REALHOME/.local/share/fonts" fi if [ -d "$REALHOME/.fonts" ]; then echo " $REALHOME/.fonts" fi for ((i = 0; i < ${#data_dirs_array[@]}; i++)); do if [ -d "${data_dirs_array[$i]}/fonts" ]; then echo " ${data_dirs_array[$i]}/fonts" fi done # We need to include a user-writable cachedir first to support # caching of per-user fonts. echo ' fontconfig' echo " $SNAP_COMMON/fontconfig" echo "" } if [ "$needs_update" = true ]; then rm -rf "$XDG_DATA_HOME"/{fontconfig,fonts,fonts-*,themes,.themes} # This fontconfig fragment is installed in a location that is # included by the system fontconfig configuration: namely the # etc/fonts/conf.d/50-user.conf file. ensure_dir_exists "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/fontconfig" async_exec make_user_fontconfig > "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/fontconfig/fonts.conf" # the themes symlink are needed for GTK 3.18 when the prefix isn't changed # GTK 3.20 looks into XDG_DATA_DIRS which has connected themes. if [ -d "$SNAP/data-dir/themes" ]; then ln -sf "$SNAP/data-dir/themes" "$XDG_DATA_HOME" ln -sfn "$SNAP/data-dir/themes" "$SNAP_USER_DATA/.themes" elif [ -d "$SNAP_DESKTOP_RUNTIME/usr/share/themes" ]; then ln -sf "$SNAP_DESKTOP_RUNTIME/usr/share/themes" "$XDG_DATA_HOME" ln -sfn "$SNAP_DESKTOP_RUNTIME/usr/share/themes" "$SNAP_USER_DATA/.themes" fi fi # Testability support append_dir LD_LIBRARY_PATH "$SNAP/testability" append_dir LD_LIBRARY_PATH "$SNAP/testability/$ARCH" append_dir LD_LIBRARY_PATH "$SNAP/testability/$ARCH/mesa" [ "$needs_update" = true ] && echo "SNAP_DESKTOP_LAST_REVISION=$SNAP_REVISION" > "$SNAP_USER_DATA/.last_revision" wait_for_async_execs if [ -n "$SNAP_DESKTOP_DEBUG" ]; then echo "desktop-launch elapsed time: $(date +%s.%N --date="$START seconds ago")" echo "Now running: exec $*" fi PATH="${SNAP}/usr/sbin:${SNAP}/usr/bin:${SNAP}/sbin:${SNAP}/bin" PATH="${PATH}:${SNAP_CORE_DIR}/usr/sbin:${SNAP_CORE_DIR}/usr/bin:${SNAP_CORE_DIR}/sbin:${SNAP_CORE_DIR}/bin" # configure python environment export PYTHONIOENCODING=utf-8 PYTHONPATH=$SNAP/lib/python3.8/site-packages PYTHONPATH=$SNAP/usr/lib/python3/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH PYTHONPATH=$SNAP/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages:$PYTHONPATH export PYTHONPATH export PYTHON=$SNAP/usr/bin/python3.8 export SNAP_PYTHON=$PYTHON # ensure curtin points at PYTHON export PY3OR2_PYTHON=$PYTHON # base directory for subiquity to locate resources export SUBIQUITY_ROOT=$SNAP BIN="$PYTHON -m system_setup.cmd.server" args="" for arg in $@; do if [ ${arg} = "--server-only" ]; then # Just eat that argument. It's useful for the GUI context only, # since here the server only startup option is the default. continue fi if [ ${arg} = "-t" -o ${arg} = "--text" ]; then BIN="$PYTHON -m system_setup.cmd.tui" continue fi args="$args $arg" done exec $BIN $args