# Copyright 2015 Canonical, Ltd. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """ Welcome Welcome provides user with language selection """ import logging from urwid import (Pile, Columns, Text, ListBox) from subiquitycore.ui.buttons import done_btn, cancel_btn from subiquitycore.ui.interactive import (PasswordEditor, RealnameEditor, StringEditor, UsernameEditor) from subiquitycore.ui.utils import Padding, Color from subiquitycore.view import ViewPolicy from subiquitycore.curtin import (curtin_write_postinst_config, curtin_configure_user) log = logging.getLogger("subiquitycore.views.identity") HOSTNAME_MAXLEN = 64 REALNAME_MAXLEN = 160 SSH_IMPORT_MAXLEN = 256 + 3 # account for lp: or gh: USERNAME_MAXLEN = 32 class IdentityView(ViewPolicy): def __init__(self, model, signal, opts): self.model = model self.signal = signal self.opts = opts self.items = [] self.realname = RealnameEditor(caption="") self.hostname = UsernameEditor(caption="") self.username = UsernameEditor(caption="") self.password = PasswordEditor(caption="") self.ssh_import_id = StringEditor(caption="") self.ssh_import_confirmed = True self.error = Text("", align="center") self.confirm_password = PasswordEditor(caption="") body = [ Padding.center_90(self._build_model_inputs()), Padding.line_break(""), Padding.center_90(Color.info_error(self.error)), Padding.line_break(""), Padding.fixed_10(self._build_buttons()), ] super().__init__(ListBox(body)) def _build_buttons(self): cancel = cancel_btn(on_press=self.cancel) done = done_btn(on_press=self.done) buttons = [ Color.button(done, focus_map='button focus'), Color.button(cancel, focus_map='button focus') ] return Pile(buttons) def _build_model_inputs(self): sl = [ Columns( [ ("weight", 0.2, Text("Your name:", align="right")), ("weight", 0.3, Color.string_input(self.realname, focus_map="string_input focus")) ], dividechars=4 ), Columns( [ ("weight", 0.2, Text("Your server's name:", align="right")), ("weight", 0.3, Color.string_input(self.hostname, focus_map="string_input focus")) ], dividechars=4 ), Columns( [ ("weight", 0.2, Text("", align="right")), ("weight", 0.3, Color.info_minor( Text("The name it uses when it talks to " "other computers", align="left"))), ], dividechars=4 ), Columns( [ ("weight", 0.2, Text("Pick a username:", align="right")), ("weight", 0.3, Color.string_input(self.username, focus_map="string_input focus")) ], dividechars=4 ), Columns( [ ("weight", 0.2, Text("Choose a password:", align="right")), ("weight", 0.3, Color.string_input(self.password, focus_map="string_input focus")) ], dividechars=4 ), Columns( [ ("weight", 0.2, Text("Confirm your password:", align="right")), ("weight", 0.3, Color.string_input(self.confirm_password, focus_map="string_input focus")) ], dividechars=4 ), Columns( [ ("weight", 0.2, Text("Import SSH identity:", align="right")), ("weight", 0.3, Color.string_input(self.ssh_import_id, focus_map="string_input focus")) ], dividechars=4 ), Columns( [ ("weight", 0.2, Text("", align="right")), ("weight", 0.3, Color.info_minor( Text("Input your SSH user id from " "Ubuntu SSO (sso:email), " "Launchpad (lp:username) or " "Github (gh:username).", align="left"))), ], dividechars=4 ), ] return Pile(sl) def done(self, result): # check in display order: # realname, hostname, username, password, ssh if len(self.realname.value) < 1: self.error.set_text("Realname missing.") self.realname.value = "" return if len(self.realname.value) > REALNAME_MAXLEN: self.error.set_text("Realname too long, must be < " + str(REALNAME_MAXLEN)) self.realname.value = "" return if len(self.hostname.value) < 1: self.error.set_text("Server name missing.") self.hostname.value = "" return if len(self.hostname.value) > HOSTNAME_MAXLEN: self.error.set_text("Server name too long, must be < " + str(HOSTNAME_MAXLEN)) self.hostname.value = "" return if len(self.username.value) < 1: self.error.set_text("Username missing.") self.username.value = "" return if len(self.username.value) > USERNAME_MAXLEN: self.error.set_text("Username too long, must be < " + str(USERNAME_MAXLEN)) self.username.value = "" return if len(self.password.value) < 1: self.error.set_text("Password must be set") self.password.value = "" self.confirm_password.value = "" return if self.password.value != self.confirm_password.value: self.error.set_text("Passwords do not match.") self.password.value = "" self.confirm_password.value = "" return # ssh_id is optional if len(self.ssh_import_id.value) > SSH_IMPORT_MAXLEN: self.error.set_text("SSH id too long, must be < " + str(SSH_IMPORT_MAXLEN)) self.ssh_import_id.value = "" return cpassword = self.model.encrypt_password(self.password.value) log.debug("*crypted* User input: {} {} {}".format( self.username.value, cpassword, cpassword)) result = { "hostname": self.hostname.value, "realname": self.realname.value, "username": self.username.value, "password": cpassword, "confirm_password": cpassword, } # if user specifed a value, allow user to validate fingerprint if self.ssh_import_id.value: if self.ssh_import_confirmed is True: result.update({'ssh_import_id': self.ssh_import_id.value}) else: self.emit_signal('identity:confirm-ssh-id', self.ssh_import_id.value) return log.debug("User input: {}".format(result)) self.model.add_user(result) try: curtin_write_postinst_config(result) curtin_configure_user(result, dryrun=self.opts.dry_run) except PermissionError: log.exception('Failed to write curtin post-install config') self.signal.emit_signal('filesystem:error', 'curtin_write_postinst_config', result) return None self.signal.emit_signal('installprogress:wrote-postinstall') # show next view if self.opts.firstboot: self.signal.emit_signal('menu:identity:login:main') else: self.signal.emit_signal('menu:installprogress:main') def cancel(self, button): self.signal.prev_signal()