import re import urwid from subiquitycore.ui.stretchy import StretchyOverlay def find_with_pred(w, pred, return_path=False): def _walk(w, path): if not isinstance(w, urwid.Widget): raise RuntimeError("_walk walked to non-widget %r via %r" % (w, path)) if pred(w): return w, path if hasattr(w, "_wrapped_widget"): return _walk(w._wrapped_widget, (w,) + path) if hasattr(w, "original_widget"): return _walk(w.original_widget, (w,) + path) if isinstance(w, urwid.ListBox): for w in w.body: r, p = _walk(w, (w,) + path) if r: return r, p elif isinstance(w, urwid.Frame): for w, _ in w.contents.values(): r, p = _walk(w, (w,) + path) if r: return r, p elif hasattr(w, "contents"): contents = w.contents for w, _ in contents: r, p = _walk(w, (w,) + path) if r: return r, p elif isinstance(w, StretchyOverlay): r, p = _walk(w.top_w, (w,) + path) if r: return r, p return None, None r, p = _walk(w, ()) if return_path: return r, p else: return r def find_button_matching(w, pat, return_path=False): def pred(w): return isinstance(w, urwid.Button) and re.match(pat, w.label) return find_with_pred(w, pred, return_path) def click(but): but._emit("click") def keypress(w, key, size=(30, 1)): w.keypress(size, key) def get_focus_path(w): path = [] while True: path.append(w) if isinstance(w, urwid.ListBox) and (w.set_focus_pending == "first selectable"): for w2 in w.body: if w2.selectable(): w = w2 break else: break if w.focus is not None: w = w.focus elif hasattr(w, "_wrapped_widget"): w = w._wrapped_widget elif hasattr(w, "original_widget"): w = w.original_widget else: break return path def enter_data(form, data): for k, v in data.items(): bf = getattr(form, k) assert bf.enabled, "%s is not enabled" % (k,) bf.value = v