write some documentation

This commit is contained in:
Michael Hudson-Doyle 2020-10-12 15:32:32 +13:00
parent 449ad839aa
commit bc81cee393
1 changed files with 259 additions and 21 deletions

View File

@ -7,13 +7,11 @@
1. Subiquity is entirely usable by pressing up, down, space (or return) and the
occasional bit of typing.
2. The UI never blocks. If something takes more than about 0.1s, it is done
in the background, possibly with some kind of indication in the UI and the
ability to cancel if appropriate. (We should consider making sure that if
we pop up a progress dialog while something happens -- e.g. applying
keyboard configuration, which the user just has to wait for until going on
to the next screen -- that the dialog appears for at least, say, 0.5s to
avoid flickering the UI).
2. The UI never blocks. If something takes more than about 0.1s, it is done in
the background, possibly with some kind of indication in the UI and the
ability to cancel if appropriate. If indication is shown, it is shown for
at least 1s to avoid flickering the UI. There is a helper,
`wait_with_text_dialog` for this.
3. General UX principles that it is worth keeping in mind:
@ -124,13 +122,25 @@ complicated, but the ability to start easily makes it well worth it IMHO.
## Code structure
Subiquity follows a model / view / controller sort of approach.
### Overall architecture
Subiquity has a client / server model: there is one server, which collects the
data that will go into the curtin config and runs the install, and one or more
client processes which connect to it. One client runs on tty1 (apart from on
s390x) and others run on any configured serial console. One can also ssh into
the live session as another way of starting a client.
Subiquity follows a model / view / controller sort of approach, where the model
lives in the server and the view in the client, and controller classes in both
the server and client handle the communication.
The model is ultimately the config that will be passed to curtin, which is
broken apart into classes for the configuration of the network, the filesystem,
the language, etc, etc. The full model lives in `subiquity.models.subiquity`
and the submodels live in modules like `subiquitycore.models.network` and
`subiquity.models.keyboard`. Each model object gets an `asyncio.Event` object
associated with it that is set when the model is ready to be used as part of
the installation.
Subiquity presents itself as a series of screens -- Welcome, Keyboard, Network,
etc etc -- as described above. Each screen is managed by an instance of a
@ -139,11 +149,243 @@ outside world and the model and views -- in the network view, it is the
controller that listens to netlink events and calls methods on the model and
view instances in response to, say, a NIC gaining an address.
The views display the model and call methods on the controller to make changes.
Obviously for most screens there is a tuple (model class, server controller
class, client controller class, view class), but this isn't always true -- some
screens like the one offering the installer refresh don't have a corresponding
model class.
Obviously for most screens there is a triple of a model class, controller class
and a view class for the initial view, but this isn't always true -- some
controllers don't have a corresponding model class.
### API details
The api is HTTP over a unix socket (/run/subiquity/socket). It is defined in
the `subiquity.common.apidef` module, and is all fairly ad hoc and designed as
needed. The API uses basic Python types, classes defined by
[attrs](https://attrs.org) and enums and there is general machinery for
converting these to and from JSON, building a client from the api definition
and serving bits of the API from a particular class.
The API takes a "long poll" approach to status updates. For example,
`refresh.GET()` takes a wait boolean. The refresh view calls this with
`wait=False` and if the result indicates that the check for updates is still in
progress it shows a screen indicating this and calls it again with `wait=True`,
which will not return until the check has completed (or failed). In a similar
vein, `install.status.GET()` takes an argument indicating what the client
thinks the install state currently is and will block until that changes.
### Examples and common patterns
Adding a typical screen requires:
1. Implementing the model class.
2. Defining the API
3. Implementing the server controller
4. Implementing the client controller
5. Implementing the view
(Although it often makes most sense to work in the opposite order when
designing a new feature).
#### Implementing the model class
There is no generic way to describe the data being modelled of course. Model
classes live in `subiquity.models`. An instance of each model class is
attached as an attribute to the `SubiquityModel` class and the name of the
appropriate. Models that go into `INSTALL_MODEL_NAMES` need to define a
render() method that returns a fragment of curtin config.
#### Defining the API
The simplest API is one where the values are retrieved with a GET request when
the screen is shown and set with a POST when the screen is finished. This can
be done by adding a line like:
example = simple_endpoint(Type)
to `subiquity.common.apidef`.
#### Implementing the server controller
The simplest possible server controller would be something like this:
import logging
from subiquity.common.apidef import API
from subiquity.server.controller import SubiquityController
log = logging.getLogger('subiquity.server.controllers.example')
class ExampleController(SubiquityController):
endpoint = API.example
model_name = 'example'
async def GET(self) -> Type:
return self.model.thing
async def POST(self, data: Type):
self.model.thing = data
Setting `endpoint` is how the API methods are routed to this class.
There are other attributes to set and methods to implement to handle
autoinstalls and starting asynchronous tasks when the installer starts up.
The `GET` method can raise `Skip` to indicate that this screen should not be
shown to the user.
The name of the controller needs to be added to the list in
The `configured` method needs to be called when the associated model object is
ready to be used by other parts of the installer.
#### Implementing the client controller
The simplest possible client controller would be something like this:
import logging
from subiquity.client.controller import SubiquityTuiController
from subiquity.ui.views.example import ExampleView
log = logging.getLogger('subiquity.client.controllers.example')
class ExampleController(SubiquityTuiController):
endpoint_name = 'example'
async def make_ui(self):
thing = await self.endpoint.GET()
return ExampleView(self, thing)
def cancel(self):
def done(self, thing):
Setting `endpoint_name` means that self.client gets set to an implementation of
that part of the API.
The name of the controller needs to be added to the list in
#### Implementing the view
A simple view might look like this:
import logging
from urwid import connect_signal
from subiquitycore.view import BaseView
from subiquitycore.ui.form import (
log = logging.getLogger('subiquity.ui.views.example')
class ExampleForm(Form):
thing = ThingField(_("Thing:"))
class ExampleView(BaseView):
title = _("Configure example")
def __init__(self, controller, thing):
self.controller = controller
self.form = ThingForm(initial={'thing': thing})
connect_signal(self.form, 'submit', self.done)
connect_signal(self.form, 'cancel', self.cancel)
def done(self, result):
def cancel(self, result=None):
### autoinstalls
As documented at https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/install/autoinstall,
autoinstalls are subiquity's way of doing a automated, or partially automated
install. This mostly impacts the server, which loads the config and the server
controllers have methods that are called to load and apply the autoinstall data
for each controller. The only real difference to the client is that it behaves
totally differently if the install is to be totally automated: in this case it
does not start the urwid-based UI at all and mostly just "listens" to install
progress via journald and the `install.status.GET()` API call.
### Starting and confirming the install
The installation code proceeds in stages:
1. First it waits for all the model objects that feed into the curtin config
to be configured.
2. It waits for confirmation.
3. It runs "curtin install" and waits for that to finish.
4. It waits for the model objects that feed into the cloud-init config to be
5. If there appears to be a working network connection, it downloads and
installs security updates.
6. It waits for the user to click "reboot".
Each of these states gets a different value of the `InstallState` enum, so the
client gets notified via long-polling `install.status.GET()` of progress.
### Refreshing the snap
The installer checks for a snap update and offers it to the user if one is
available. If the users says yes, the new version is downloaded and the
installer, both server and client restarts where it left off. This restarting
is all a bit more complicated that it perhaps needs to be.
For the server process and the client running on tty1, the actual restarting of
the processes is trivial: systemd does it as part of the snap refresh. There is
also a snap hook that restarts any clients running on serial lines. But any
clients running over SSH have to notice the snap update has completed and
restart themselves.
In dry-run mode, there is some more hair:
* the server notices when the canned snapd progress updates indicate the
refresh has completed and restarts itself to simulate systemd doing it.
* as the client autostarts a server process if needed and there is some
complication around making sure that the server is killed when the client
exits, even after a restart.
But this is all hidden away behind "if dry_run:" checks so I don't feel too bad
about it being a bit fragile.
The "Restarting where it left off" is also a bit complicated.
The server records any needed state in /run/subiquity/$controller_name to be
read on restart (the keyboard controller does not need to do this, for example,
because the keyboard settings can be reconstructed from
/etc/default/keyboard. The proxy controller does need to do this though).
The client records which screen it is on in /run/subiquity/last-screen and when
it restarts it checks this file and skips to this screen (it also asks the
server to mark all controllers before this screen as configured).
### Doing things in the background
@ -155,7 +397,7 @@ running things in the background and subiquity uses
* `schedule_task` (a wrapper around `create_task` / `ensure_future`)
* `run_in_thread` (just a nicer wrapper around `run_in_executor`)
* We still use threads for HTTP requests (this could change in the future
I guess) and come compute-bound things like generating error reports.
I guess) and some compute-bound things like generating error reports.
* `SingleInstanceTask` is a way of running tasks that only need to run once
but might need to be cancelled and restarted.
* This is useful for things like checking for snap updates: it's possible
@ -163,9 +405,6 @@ running things in the background and subiquity uses
if the request hasn't completed yet when a proxy is configured, we cancel
and restart.
[trio](https://trio.readthedocs.io/en/stable/) has nicer APIs but is
a bit too new for now.
A cast-iron rule: Only touch the UI from the main thread.
### Terminal things
@ -185,7 +424,7 @@ does not use, so we can add support for at least a dozen or so more glyphs if
there's a need.
`subiquity.palette` defines the 8 RGB colors and a bunch of named "styles" in
terms of foreground and background colors. `subiquitycore.core` contains some
terms of foreground and background colors. `subiquitycore.screen` contains some
rather hair-raising code for mangling these definitions so that using these
style names in urwid comes out in the right color both in gnome-terminal (using
ISO-8613-3 color codes) and in the linux tty (using the PIO_CMAP ioctl).
@ -198,9 +437,8 @@ makes writing them a bit easier.
subiquity supports a limited form of automation in the form of an "answers
file". This yaml file provides data that controllers can use to drive the UI
automatically (this is not a replacement for preseeding: that is to be designed
during the 18.10 cycle). There are some answers files in the `examples/`
directory that are run as a sort of integration test for the UI.
automatically. There are some answers files in the `examples/` directory that
are run as a sort of integration test for the UI.
Tests (and lint checks) are run by travis using lxd. See `.travis.yml` and
`./scripts/test-in-lxd.sh` and so on.