doc: import autoinstall markdown documents from discourse

Signed-off-by: Olivier Gayot <>
This commit is contained in:
Olivier Gayot 2022-10-18 19:20:26 +02:00
parent 631fbcad6a
commit a4f70ce464
7 changed files with 1212 additions and 0 deletions

documentation/.gitignore vendored Normal file
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documentation/Makefile Normal file
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SRC = $(wildcard *.md)
HTML = $(addprefix html/, $(
@mkdir --parents html
markdown $^ > $@
.PHONY: all
all: $(HTML)
.PHONY: clean
$(RM) $(HTML)
$(RM) -d html

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# Autoinstall Quick Start for s390x
The intent of this page is to provide simple instructions to perform an autoinstall in a VM on your machine on s390x.
This page is just a slightly adapted page of mapped to s390x.
## Download an ISO
At the time of writing (just before focal release), the best place to go is here:
<pre><code>wget -P ~/Downloads</code></pre>
## Mount the ISO
<pre><code>mkdir -p ~/iso
sudo mount -r ~/Downloads/ubuntu-20.04-live-server-s390x.iso ~/iso</code></pre>
## Write your autoinstall config
This means creating cloud-init config as follows:
<pre><code>mkdir -p ~/www
cd ~/www
cat > user-data << 'EOF'
version: 1
hostname: ubuntu-server
password: "$6$exDY1mhS4KUYCE/2$zmn9ToZwTKLhCw.b4/b.ZRTIZM30JZ4QrOQ2aOXJ8yk96xpcCof0kxKwuX1kqLG/ygbJ1f8wxED22bTL4F46P0"
username: ubuntu
touch meta-data</code></pre>
The crypted password is just "ubuntu".
## Serve the cloud-init config over http
Leave this running in one terminal window:
<pre><code>cd ~/www
python3 -m http.server 3003</code></pre>
## Create a target disk
Proceed with a second terminal window:
<pre><code>sudo apt install qemu-utils
<pre><code>qemu-img create -f qcow2 disk-image.qcow2 10G
Formatting 'disk-image.qcow2', fmt=qcow2 size=10737418240 cluster_size=65536 lazy_refcounts=off refcount_bits=16
qemu-img info disk-image.qcow2
image: disk-image.qcow2
file format: qcow2
virtual size: 10 GiB (10737418240 bytes)
disk size: 196 KiB
cluster_size: 65536
Format specific information:
compat: 1.1
lazy refcounts: false
refcount bits: 16
corrupt: false</code></pre>
## Run the install!
<pre><code>sudo apt install qemu-kvm
You may need to add the default user to the kvm group: <<BR>>
`sudo usermod -a -G kvm ubuntu # re-login to make the changes take effect`
<pre><code>kvm -no-reboot -name auto-inst-test -nographic -m 2048 \
-drive file=disk-image.qcow2,format=qcow2,cache=none,if=virtio \
-cdrom ~/Downloads/ubuntu-20.04-live-server-s390x.iso \
-kernel ~/iso/boot/kernel.ubuntu \
-initrd ~/iso/boot/initrd.ubuntu \
-append 'autoinstall ds=nocloud-net;s=http://_gateway:3003/ console=ttysclp0'</code></pre>
This will boot, download the config from the server set up in the previous step and run the install.
The installer reboots at the end but the -no-reboot flag to kvm means that kvm will exit when this happens.
It should take about 5 minutes.
## Boot the installed system
<pre><code>kvm -no-reboot -name auto-inst-test -nographic -m 2048 \
-drive file=disk-image.qcow2,format=qcow2,cache=none,if=virtio</code></pre>
This will boot into the freshly installed system and you should be able to log in as ubuntu/ubuntu.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
# Autoinstall Quick Start
The intent of this page is to provide simple instructions to perform an autoinstall in a VM on your machine.
This page assumes you are on the amd64 architecture. There is a version for [s390x](/t/draft-automated-server-install-quickstart-s390x/16616) too.
## Providing the autoinstall data over the network
This method is the one that generalizes most easily to doing an entirely network-based install, where a machine netboots and then is automatically installed.
### Download the ISO
Go to the [20.04 ISO download page]( and download the latest Ubuntu 20.04 live-server ISO.
### Mount the ISO
<pre><code>sudo mount -r ~/Downloads/ubuntu-20.04-live-server-amd64.iso /mnt</code></pre>
### Write your autoinstall config
This means creating cloud-init config as follows:
<pre><code>mkdir -p ~/www
cd ~/www
cat > user-data << 'EOF'
version: 1
hostname: ubuntu-server
password: "$6$exDY1mhS4KUYCE/2$zmn9ToZwTKLhCw.b4/b.ZRTIZM30JZ4QrOQ2aOXJ8yk96xpcCof0kxKwuX1kqLG/ygbJ1f8wxED22bTL4F46P0"
username: ubuntu
touch meta-data</code></pre>
The crypted password is just "ubuntu".
### Serve the cloud-init config over http
Leave this running in one terminal window:
<pre><code>cd ~/www
python3 -m http.server 3003</code></pre>
### Create a target disk
<pre><code>truncate -s 10G image.img</code></pre>
### Run the install!
<pre><code>kvm -no-reboot -m 1024 \
-drive file=image.img,format=raw,cache=none,if=virtio \
-cdrom ~/Downloads/ubuntu-20.04-live-server-amd64.iso \
-kernel /mnt/casper/vmlinuz \
-initrd /mnt/casper/initrd \
-append 'autoinstall ds=nocloud-net;s=http://_gateway:3003/'</code></pre>
This will boot, download the config from the server set up in the previous step and run the install. The installer reboots at the end but the -no-reboot flag to kvm means that kvm will exit when this happens. It should take about 5 minutes.
### Boot the installed system
<pre><code>kvm -no-reboot -m 1024 \
-drive file=image.img,format=raw,cache=none,if=virtio</code></pre>
This will boot into the freshly installed system and you should be able to log in as ubuntu/ubuntu.
## Using another volume to provide the autoinstall config
This is the method to use when you want to create media that you can just plug into a system to have it be installed.
### Download the live-server ISO
Go to the [20.04 ISO download page]( and download the latest Ubuntu 20.04 live-server ISO.
### Create your user-data & meta-data files
<pre><code>mkdir -p ~/cidata
cd ~/cidata
cat > user-data << 'EOF'
version: 1
hostname: ubuntu-server
password: "$6$exDY1mhS4KUYCE/2$zmn9ToZwTKLhCw.b4/b.ZRTIZM30JZ4QrOQ2aOXJ8yk96xpcCof0kxKwuX1kqLG/ygbJ1f8wxED22bTL4F46P0"
username: ubuntu
touch meta-data</code></pre>
The crypted password is just "ubuntu".
### Create an ISO to use as a cloud-init data source
<pre><code>sudo apt install cloud-image-utils
cloud-localds ~/seed.iso user-data meta-data</code></pre>
### Create a target disk
<pre><code>truncate -s 10G image.img</code></pre>
### Run the install!
<pre><code>kvm -no-reboot -m 1024 \
-drive file=image.img,format=raw,cache=none,if=virtio \
-drive file=~/seed.iso,format=raw,cache=none,if=virtio \
-cdrom ~/Downloads/ubuntu-20.04-live-server-amd64.iso</code></pre>
This will boot and run the install. Unless you interrupt boot to add 'autoinstall' to the kernel command line, the installer will prompt for confirmation before touching the disk.
The installer reboots at the end but the -no-reboot flag to kvm means that kvm will exit when this happens.
The whole process should take about 5 minutes.
### Boot the installed system
<pre><code>kvm -no-reboot -m 1024 \
-drive file=image.img,format=raw,cache=none,if=virtio</code></pre>
This will boot into the freshly installed system and you should be able to log in as ubuntu/ubuntu.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
# Automated Server Installs Config File Reference
## Overall format
The autoinstall file is YAML. At top level it must be a mapping containing the keys described in this document. Unrecognized keys are ignored.
## Schema
Autoinstall configs [are validated against a JSON schema](/t/draft-automated-server-install-schema/16615) before they are used.
<a name="commandlist"></a>
## Command lists
Several config keys are lists of commands to be executed. Each command can be a string (in which case it is executed via "sh -c") or a list, in which case it is executed directly. Any command exiting with a non-zero return code is considered an error and aborts the install (except for error-commands, where it is ignored).
## Top-level keys
<a name="version"></a>
### version
**type:** integer
**default:** no default
A future-proofing config file version field. Currently this must be "1".
<a name="interactive-sections"></a>
### interactive-sections
**type:** list of strings
**default:** []
A list of config keys to still show in the UI. So for example:
version: 1
- network
username: ubuntu
password: $crypted_pass
Would stop on the network screen and allow the user to change the defaults. If a value is provided for an interactive section it is used as the default.
You can use the special section name of "*" to indicate that the installer should ask all the usual questions -- in this case, the `autoinstall.yaml` file is not really an "autoinstall" file at all, instead just a way to change the defaults in the UI.
Not all config keys correspond to screens in the UI. This documentation indicates if a given section can be interactive or not.
If there are any interactive sections at all, the [reporting](#reporting) key is ignored.
<a name="early-commands"></a>
### early-commands
**type:** [command list](#commandlist)
**default:** no commands
**can be interactive:** no
A list of shell commands to invoke as soon as the installer starts, in particular before probing for block and network devices. The autoinstall config is available at `/autoinstall.yaml` (irrespective of how it was provided) and the file will be re-read after the `early-commands` have run to allow them to alter the config if necessary.
<a name="locale"></a>
### locale
**type:** string
**default:** `en_US.UTF-8`
**can be interactive:** yes, always interactive if any section is
The locale to configure for the installed system.
<a name="refresh-installer"></a>
### refresh-installer
**type:** mapping
**default:** see below
**can be interactive:** yes
Controls whether the installer updates to a new version available in the given channel before continuing.
The mapping contains keys:
#### update
**type:** boolean
**default**: `no`
Whether to update or not.
#### channel
**type:** string
**default**: `"stable/ubuntu-$REL"`
The channel to check for updates.
<a name="keyboard"></a>
### keyboard
**type:** mapping, see below
**default:** US English keyboard
**can be interactive:** yes
The layout of any attached keyboard. Often systems being automatically installed will not have a keyboard at all in which case the value used here does not matter.
The mapping's keys correspond to settings in the `/etc/default/keyboard` configuration file. See [its manual page]( for more details.
The mapping contains keys:
#### layout
**type:** string
**default**: `"us"`
Corresponds to the `XKBLAYOUT` setting.
#### variant
**type:** string
**default**: `""`
Corresponds to the `XKBVARIANT` setting.
#### toggle
**type:** string or null
**default**: `null`
Corresponds to the value of `grp:` option from the `XKBOPTIONS` setting. Acceptable values are (but note that the installer does not validate these): `caps_toggle`, `toggle`, `rctrl_toggle`, `rshift_toggle`, `rwin_toggle`, `menu_toggle`, `alt_shift_toggle`, `ctrl_shift_toggle`, `ctrl_alt_toggle`, `alt_caps_toggle`, `lctrl_lshift_toggle`, `lalt_toggle`, `lctrl_toggle`, `lshift_toggle`, `lwin_toggle`, `sclk_toggle`
The version of subiquity released with 20.04 GA does not accept `null` for this field due to a bug.
<a name="network"></a>
### network
**type:** netplan-format mapping, see below
**default:** DHCP on interfaces named eth* or en*
**can be interactive:** yes
[netplan]( formatted network configuration. This will be applied during installation as well as in the installed system. The default is to interpret the config for the install media, which runs DHCPv4 on any interface with a name matching "eth*" or "en*" but then disables any interface that does not receive an address.
For example, to run dhcp6 on a particular NIC:
version: 2
dhcp6: yes
Note that thanks to a bug, the version of subiquity released with 20.04 GA forces you to write this with an extra "network:" key like so:
version: 2
dhcp6: yes
Later versions support this syntax too for compatibility but if you can assume a newer version you should use the former.
<a name="proxy"></a>
### proxy
**type:** URL or `null`
**default:** no proxy
**can be interactive:** yes
The proxy to configure both during installation and for apt and for snapd in the target system.
<a name="apt"></a>
### apt
**type:** mapping
**default:** see below
**can be interactive:** yes
Apt configuration, used both during the install and once booted into the target system.
This uses the same format as curtin which is documented at, with one extension: the `geoip` key controls whether a geoip lookup is done.
The default is:
preserve_sources_list: false
- arches: [i386, amd64]
uri: ""
- arches: [default]
uri: ""
geoip: true
If geoip is true and the mirror to be used is the default, a request is made to `` and the mirror uri to be used changed to be `` where `CC` is the country code returned by the lookup (or similar for ports). If this section is not interactive, the request is timed out after 10 seconds.
Any supplied config is merged with the default rather than replacing it.
If you just want to set a mirror, use a config like this:
- arches: [default]
To add a ppa:
source: ppa:curtin-dev/test-archive
<a name="storage"></a>
### storage
**type:** mapping, see below
**default:** use "lvm" layout in a single disk system, no default in a multiple disk system
**can be interactive:** yes
Storage configuration is a complex topic and the description of the desired configuration in the autoinstall file can necessarily also be complex. The installer supports "layouts", simple ways of expressing common configurations.
#### Supported layouts
The two supported layouts at the time of writing are "lvm" and "direct".
name: lvm
name: direct
By default these will install to the largest disk in a system, but you can supply a match spec (see below) to indicate which disk to use:
name: lvm
serial: CT*
name: disk
ssd: yes
(you can just say "`match: {}`" to match an arbitrary disk)
The default is to use the lvm layout.
#### action-based config
For full flexibility, the installer allows storage configuration to be done using a syntax which is a superset of that supported by curtin, described at
If the "layout" feature is used to configure the disks, the "config" section will not be used.
As well as putting the list of actions under the 'config' key, the [grub]( and [swap]( curtin config items can be put here. So a storage section might look like:
size: 0
- type: disk
id: disk0
- type: partition
The extensions to the curtin syntax are around disk selection and partition/logical volume sizing.
##### Disk selection extensions
Curtin supported identifying disks by serial (e.g. `Crucial_CT512MX100SSD1_14250C57FECE`) or by path (e.g. `/dev/sdc`) and the server installer supports this as well. The installer additionally supports a ''match spec'' on a disk action that supports more flexible matching.
The actions in the storage config are processed in the order they are in the autoinstall file. Any disk action is assigned a matching disk -- chosen arbitrarily from the set of unassigned disks if there is more than one, and causing the installation to fail if there is no unassigned matching disk.
A match spec supports the following keys:
* `model: foo`: matches a disk where ID_VENDOR=foo in udev, supporting globbing
* `path: foo`: matches a disk where DEVPATH=foo in udev, supporting globbing (the globbing support distinguishes this from specifying path: foo directly in the disk action)
* `serial: foo`: matches a disk where ID_SERIAL=foo in udev, supporting globbing (the globbing support distinguishes this from specifying serial: foo directly in the disk action)
* `ssd: yes|no`: matches a disk that is or is not an SSD (vs a rotating drive)
* `size: largest|smallest`: take the largest or smallest disk rather than an arbitrary one if there are multiple matches (support for `smallest` added in version 20.06.1)
So for example, to match an arbitrary disk it is simply:
- type: disk
id: disk0
To match the largest ssd:
<pre><code> - type: disk
id: big-fast-disk
ssd: yes
size: largest</code></pre>
To match a Seagate drive:
<pre><code> - type: disk
id: data-disk
model: Seagate</code></pre>
##### partition/logical volume extensions
The size of a partition or logical volume in curtin is specified as a number of bytes. The autoinstall config is more flexible:
* You can specify the size using the "1G", "512M" syntax supported in the installer UI
* You can specify the size as a percentage of the containing disk (or RAID), e.g. "50%"
* For the last partition specified for a particular device, you can specify the size as "-1" to indicate that the partition should fill the remaining space.
<pre><code> - type: partition
id: boot-partition
device: root-disk
size: 10%
- type: partition
id: root-partition
size: 20G
- type: partition
id: data-partition
device: root-disk
size: -1</code></pre>
<a name="identity"></a>
### identity
**type:** mapping, see below
**default:** no default
**can be interactive:** yes
Configure the initial user for the system. This is the only config key that must be present (unless the [user-data section](#user-data) is present, in which case it is optional).
A mapping that can contain keys, all of which take string values:
#### realname
The real name for the user. This field is optional.
#### username
The user name to create.
#### hostname
The hostname for the system.
#### password
The password for the new user, crypted. This is required for use with sudo, even if SSH access is configured.
<a name="ssh"></a>
### ssh
**type:** mapping, see below
**default:** see below
**can be interactive:** yes
Configure ssh for the installed system. A mapping that can contain keys:
#### install-server
**type:** boolean
**default:** `false`
Whether to install OpenSSH server in the target system.
#### authorized-keys
**type:** list of strings
**default:** `[]`
A list of SSH public keys to install in the initial user's account.
#### allow-pw
**type:** boolean
**default:** `true` if `authorized_keys` is empty, `false` otherwise
<a name="snaps"></a>
### snaps
**type:** list
**default:** install no extra snaps
**can be interactive:** yes
A list of snaps to install. Each snap is represented as a mapping with required `name` and optional `channel` (defaulting to `stable`) and classic (defaulting to `false`) keys. For example:
- name: etcd
channel: edge
classic: false</code></pre>
<a name="debconf-selections"></a>
### debconf-selections
**type:** string
**default:** no config
**can be interactive:** no
The installer will update the target with debconf set-selection values. Users will need to be familiar with the package debconf options.
<a name="packages"></a>
### packages
**type:** list
**default:** no packages
**can be interactive:** no
A list of packages to install into the target system. More precisely, a list of strings to pass to "`apt-get install`", so this includes things like task selection (`dns-server^`) and installing particular versions of a package (`my-package=1-1`).
<a name="late-commands"></a>
### late-commands
**type:** [command list](#commandlist)
**default:** no commands
**can be interactive:** no
Shell commands to run after the install has completed successfully and any updates and packages installed, just before the system reboots. They are run in the installer environment with the installed system mounted at `/target`. You can run `curtin in-target -- $shell_command` (with the version of subiquity released with 20.04 GA you need to specify this as `curtin in-target --target=/target -- $shell_command`) to run in the target system (similar to how plain `in-target` can be used in `d-i preseed/late_command`).
<a name="error-commands"></a>
### error-commands
**type:** [command list](#commandlist)
**default:** no commands
**can be interactive:** no
Shell commands to run after the install has failed. They are run in the installer environment, and the target system (or as much of it as the installer managed to configure) will be mounted at /target. Logs will be available at `/var/log/installer` in the live session.
<a name="reporting"></a>
### reporting
**type:** mapping
**default:** `type: print` which causes output on tty1 and any configured serial consoles
**can be interactive:** no
The installer supports reporting progress to a variety of destinations. Note that this section is ignored if there are any [interactive sections](#interactive-sections); it only applies to fully automated installs.
The config, and indeed the implementation, is 90% the same as [that used by curtin](
Each key in the `reporting` mapping in the config defines a destination, where the `type` sub-key is one of:
**The rsyslog reporter does not yet exist**
* **print**: print progress information on tty1 and any configured serial console. There is no other configuration.
* **rsyslog**: report progress via rsyslog. The **destination** key specifies where to send output.
* **webhook**: report progress via POSTing JSON reports to a URL. Accepts the same configuration as [curtin](
* **none**: do not report progress. Only useful to inhibit the default output.
The default configuration is:
type: print</code></pre>
Report to rsyslog:
type: rsyslog
destination: @</code></pre>
Suppress the default output:
type: none</code></pre>
Report to a curtin-style webhook:
type: webhook
consumer_key: "ck_foo"
consumer_secret: "cs_foo"
token_key: "tk_foo"
token_secret: "tk_secret"
level: INFO</code></pre>
<a name="user-data"></a>
### user-data
**type:** mapping
**default:** `{}`
**can be interactive:** no
Provide cloud-init user-data which will be merged with the user-data the installer produces. If you supply this, you don't need to supply an [identity section](#identity) (but then it's your responsibility to make sure that you can log into the installed system!).

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@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
# JSON Schema for autoinstall config
## Introduction
The server installer validates the provided autoinstall config against a [JSON Schema](#Schema).
## How the config is validated
Although the schema is presented below as a single document, and if you want to pre-validate your config you should validate it against this document, the config is not actually validated against this document at run time. What happens instead is that some sections are loaded, validated and applied first, before all other sections are validated. In detail:
1. The reporting section is loaded, validated and applied.
2. The error commands are loaded and validated.
3. The early commands are loaded and validated.
4. The early commands, if any, are run.
5. The config is reloaded, and now all sections are loaded and validated.
This is so that validation errors in most sections can be reported via the reporting and error-commands configuration, as all other errors are.
## Schema
The [JSON schema]( for autoinstall data is as follows:
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"version": {
"type": "integer",
"minumum": 1,
"maximum": 1
"early-commands": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": [
"items": {
"type": "string"
"reporting": {
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"type": {
"type": "string"
"required": [
"additionalProperties": true
"error-commands": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": [
"items": {
"type": "string"
"user-data": {
"type": "object"
"packages": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"debconf-selections": {
"type": "string"
"locale": {
"type": "string"
"refresh-installer": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"update": {
"type": "boolean"
"channel": {
"type": "string"
"additionalProperties": false
"keyboard": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"layout": {
"type": "string"
"variant": {
"type": "string"
"toggle": {
"type": [
"required": [
"additionalProperties": false
"network": {
"oneOf": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"version": {
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 2,
"maximum": 2
"ethernets": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"match": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string"
"macaddress": {
"type": "string"
"driver": {
"type": "string"
"additionalProperties": false
"wifis": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"match": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string"
"macaddress": {
"type": "string"
"driver": {
"type": "string"
"additionalProperties": false
"bridges": {
"type": "object"
"bonds": {
"type": "object"
"tunnels": {
"type": "object"
"vlans": {
"type": "object"
"required": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"network": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"version": {
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 2,
"maximum": 2
"ethernets": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"match": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string"
"macaddress": {
"type": "string"
"driver": {
"type": "string"
"additionalProperties": false
"wifis": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"match": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string"
"macaddress": {
"type": "string"
"driver": {
"type": "string"
"additionalProperties": false
"bridges": {
"type": "object"
"bonds": {
"type": "object"
"tunnels": {
"type": "object"
"vlans": {
"type": "object"
"required": [
"required": [
"proxy": {
"type": [
"format": "uri"
"apt": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"preserve_sources_list": {
"type": "boolean"
"primary": {
"type": "array"
"geoip": {
"type": "boolean"
"sources": {
"type": "object"
"storage": {
"type": "object"
"identity": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"realname": {
"type": "string"
"username": {
"type": "string"
"hostname": {
"type": "string"
"password": {
"type": "string"
"required": [
"additionalProperties": false
"ssh": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"install-server": {
"type": "boolean"
"authorized-keys": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"allow-pw": {
"type": "boolean"
"snaps": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string"
"channel": {
"type": "string"
"classic": {
"type": "boolean"
"required": [
"additionalProperties": false
"late-commands": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": [
"items": {
"type": "string"
"required": [
"additionalProperties": true
## Regeneration
The schema above can be regenerated by running "make schema" in a subiquity source checkout.

View File

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# Automated Server Installs
## Introduction
The server installer for 20.04 supports a new mode of operation: automated installation, autoinstallation for short. You might also know this feature as unattended or handsoff or preseeded installation.
Autoinstallation lets you answer all those configuration questions ahead of time with an *autoinstall config* and lets the installation process run without any interaction.
## Differences from debian-installer preseeding
*preseeds* are the way to automate an installer based on debian-installer (aka d-i).
autoinstalls for the new server installer differ from preseeds in the following main ways:
* the format is completely different (cloud-init config, usually yaml, vs debconf-set-selections format)
* when the answer to a question is not present in a preseed, d-i stops and asks the user for input. autoinstalls are not like this: by default, if there is any autoinstall config at all, the installer takes the default for any unanswered question (and fails if there is no default).
* You can designate particular sections in the config as "interactive", which means the installer will still stop and ask about those.
## Providing the autoinstall config
The autoinstall config is provided via cloud-init configuration, which is almost endlessly flexible. In most scenarios the easiest way will be to provide user-data via the [nocloud]( data source.
The autoinstall config should be provided under the `autoinstall` key in the config. For example:
version: 1
## Running a truly automatic autoinstall
Even if a fully noninteractive autoinstall config is found, the server installer will ask for confirmation before writing to the disks unless `autoinstall` is present on the kernel command line. This is to make it harder to accidentally create a USB stick that will reformat a machine it is plugged into at boot. Many autoinstalls will be done via netboot, where the kernel command line is controlled by the netboot config -- just remember to put `autoinstall` in there!
## Quick start
So you just want to try it out? Well we have [the page for you](/t/draft-automated-server-install-quickstart/16614).
## Creating an autoinstall config
When any system is installed using the server installer, an autoinstall file for repeating the install is created at `/var/log/installer/autoinstall-user-data`.
# Translating a preseed file
If you have a preseed file already, the [autoinstall-generator]( snap can assist in translating that preseed data to an autoinstall file. See this [discussion]( for more details.
# The structure of an autoinstall config
The autoinstall config has [full documentation](/t/draft-automated-server-install-reference/16613).
Technically speaking the config is not defined as a textual format, but cloud-init config is usually provided as YAML so that is the syntax the documentation uses.
A minimal config is:
version: 1
hostname: hostname
username: username
password: $crypted_pass
Here is an example file that shows off most features:
<pre><code><a href="/t/draft-automated-server-install-reference/16613#version">version</a>: 1
<a href="/t/draft-automated-server-install-reference/16613#reporting">reporting</a>:
type: webhook
<a href="/t/draft-automated-server-install-reference/16613#early-commands">early-commands</a>:
- ping -c1
<a href="/t/draft-automated-server-install-reference/16613#locale">locale</a>: en_US
<a href="/t/draft-automated-server-install-reference/16613#keyboard">keyboard</a>:
layout: gb
variant: dvorak
<a href="/t/draft-automated-server-install-reference/16613#network">network</a>:
version: 2
dhcp4: yes
enp3s0: {}
enp4s0: {}
dhcp4: yes
- enp3s0
- enp4s0
mode: active-backup
primary: enp3s0
<a href="/t/draft-automated-server-install-reference/16613#proxy">proxy</a>: http://squid.internal:3128/
<a href="/t/draft-automated-server-install-reference/16613#apt">apt</a>:
- arches: [default]
uri: http://repo.internal/
source: "deb $RELEASE main"
keyid: B59D 5F15 97A5 04B7 E230 6DCA 0620 BBCF 0368 3F77
<a href="/t/draft-automated-server-install-reference/16613#storage">storage</a>:
name: lvm
<a href="/t/draft-automated-server-install-reference/16613#identity">identity</a>:
hostname: hostname
username: username
password: $crypted_pass
<a href="/t/draft-automated-server-install-reference/16613#ssh">ssh</a>:
install-server: yes
- $key
allow-pw: no
<a href="/t/draft-automated-server-install-reference/16613#snaps">snaps</a>:
- name: go
channel: 1.14/stable
classic: true
<a href="/t/draft-automated-server-install-reference/16613#debconf-selections">debconf-selections</a>: |
bind9 bind9/run-resolvconf boolean false
<a href="/t/draft-automated-server-install-reference/16613#packages">packages</a>:
- libreoffice
- dns-server^
<a href="/t/draft-automated-server-install-reference/16613#user-data">user-data</a>:
disable_root: false
<a href="/t/draft-automated-server-install-reference/16613#late-commands">late-commands</a>:
- sed -ie 's/GRUB_TIMEOUT=.*/GRUB_TIMEOUT=30/' /target/etc/default/grub
<a href="/t/draft-automated-server-install-reference/16613#error-commands">error-commands</a>:
- tar c /var/log/installer | nc 1000
Many keys and values correspond straightforwardly to questions the installer asks (e.g. keyboard selection). See the reference for details of those that do not.
# Error handling
Progress through the installer is reported via the [`reporting`](/t/draft-automated-server-install-reference/16613#reporting) system, including errors. In addition, when a fatal error occurs, the [`error-commands`](/t/draft-automated-server-install-reference/16613#error-commands) are executed and the traceback printed to the console. The server then just waits.
# Possible future directions
We might want to extend the 'match specs' for disks to cover other ways of selecting disks.