Drop maas

This commit is contained in:
Dimitri John Ledkov 2019-05-14 11:04:28 +02:00
parent f9b9414de1
commit 6df3f5c2af
4 changed files with 4 additions and 257 deletions

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import logging
from subiquitycore.controller import BaseController
from subiquity.ui.views import InstallpathView, MAASView
from subiquity.ui.views import InstallpathView
log = logging.getLogger('subiquity.controller.installpath')
@ -65,33 +65,3 @@ class InstallpathController(BaseController):
def install_cmdline(self):
log.debug("Installing from command line sources.")
def install_maas_region(self):
# show region questions, seed model
title = "MAAS Region Controller Setup"
excerpt = _(
"MAAS is Metal As A Service. Running on Ubuntu, it lets you "
"treat physical servers like virtual machines (instances) "
"in the cloud. Rather than having to manage each server "
"individually, MAAS turns your bare metal into an elastic "
"cloud-like resource. \n\n"
"For further details, see https://maas.io/."
self.ui.set_body(MAASView(self.model, self, title, excerpt))
def install_maas_rack(self):
# show cack questions, seed model
title = "MAAS Rack Controller Setup"
excerpt = _(
"A MAAS rack controller provides services to machines provisioned "
"by MAAS in the fabric (group of trunked switches) it is attached "
"to. The rack controller requires the accessible URL of a MAAS "
"region controller."
self.ui.set_body(MAASView(self.model, self, title, excerpt))
def setup_maas(self, result):
log.debug("InstallpathController.setup_mass next-screen")

View File

@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import logging
import os
log = logging.getLogger("subiquity.models.installpath")
@ -39,9 +38,7 @@ class InstallpathModel(object):
if self.cmdline_sources:
cmdline = [(_('Install from cli provided sources'), 'cmdline')]
return cmdline + [
(_('Install Ubuntu'), 'ubuntu'),
(_('Install MAAS bare-metal cloud (region)'), 'maas_region'),
(_('Install MAAS bare-metal cloud (rack)'), 'maas_rack'),
(_('Install Ubuntu'), 'ubuntu'),
def update(self, results):
@ -50,8 +47,6 @@ class InstallpathModel(object):
def render(self):
src_map = {
'ubuntu': ['cp:///media/filesystem'],
'maas_region': ['cp:///media/region'],
'maas_rack': ['cp:///media/rack'],
'cmdline': self.cmdline_sources,
src_list = src_map[self.path]
@ -64,96 +59,4 @@ class InstallpathModel(object):
'sources': self.sources,
def t(path):
return os.path.join(self.target, path)
if self.path == 'maas_region':
config['debconf_selections'] = {
'maas-username': ('maas-region-controller maas/username '
'string %s' % self.results['username']),
'maas-password': ('maas-region-controller maas/password '
'password %s' % self.results['password']),
config['late_commands'] = {
# Maintainer scripts cache self.results, from config files, if
# they # exist. These shouldn't exist, since this was fixed in
# livecd-rootfs but remove these, just to be sure.
'900-maas': ['rm', '-f', t('etc/maas/rackd.conf')],
'901-maas': ['rm', '-f', t('etc/maas/region.conf')],
# All the crazy things are workarounds for maas maintainer
# scripts deficiencies see:
# LP: #1766209
# LP: #1766211
# LP: #1766214
# LP: #1766218
# LP: #1766241
# uuid is not initialized by reconfigure, maybe it should,
# if it is at all used make it so, to make it match the
# udeb/deb installs
'902-maas': ['curtin', 'in-target', '--',
'maas-rack', 'config', '--init'],
# this should do setups of maas-url for the rack controller,
# and secret if needed.
'903-maas': ['curtin', 'in-target', '--', 'dpkg-reconfigure',
'-u', '-fnoninteractive', 'maas-rack-controller'],
# Below are workaround to make postgresql database running,
# and invoke-rc.d --force to not faill and a running postgresql
# is needed, to change the role password and to create an admin
# user.
'904-maas': ['mount', '-o', 'bind', '/proc', t('proc')],
'905-maas': ['mount', '-o', 'bind', '/sys', t('sys')],
'906-maas': ['mount', '-o', 'bind', '/dev', t('dev')],
'907-maas': ['mount', '-o', 'bind', '/dev/shm', t('dev/shm')],
'908-maas': ['mount', '-o', 'bind', t('bin/true'),
'909-maas': ['chroot', self.target, 'sh', '-c',
'pg_ctlcluster --skip-systemctl-redirect '
'$(/bin/ls /var/lib/postgresql/) main start'],
# These are called like this, because reconfigure doesn't
# create nor change an admin user account, nor regens the
# semi-autogenerated maas-url
['chroot', self.target, 'sh', '-c', (
'debconf -fnoninteractive -omaas-region-controller '
'/var/lib/dpkg/info/maas-region-controller.config '
['chroot', self.target, 'sh', '-c', (
'debconf -fnoninteractive -omaas-region-controller '
'/var/lib/dpkg/info/maas-region-controller.postinst '
'912-maas': ['chroot', self.target, 'sh', '-c', (
'pg_ctlcluster --skip-systemctl-redirect '
'$(/bin/ls /var/lib/postgresql/) main stop')],
'913-maas': ['umount', t('usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d')],
'914-maas': ['umount', t('dev/shm')],
'915-maas': ['umount', t('dev')],
'916-maas': ['umount', t('sys')],
'917-maas': ['umount', t('proc')],
elif self.path == 'maas_rack':
config['debconf_selections'] = {
'maas-url': ('maas-rack-controller '
'maas-rack-controller/maas-url '
'string %s' % self.results['url']),
'maas-secret': ('maas-rack-controller '
'maas-rack-controller/shared-secret '
'password %s' % self.results['secret']),
config['late_commands'] = {
'90-maas': ['rm', '-f', t('etc/maas/rackd.conf')],
'91-maas': ['curtin', 'in-target', '--', 'maas-rack',
'config', '--init'],
# maas-rack-controller is broken, and does db_input & go on
# the password question in the postinst... when it should have
# been done in .config and it doesn't gracefully handle the
# case of db_go returning 30 skipped
'93-maas': ['curtin', 'in-target', '--', 'sh', '-c',
('debconf -fnoninteractive -omaas-rack-controller '
' configure || :')],
elif self.path != "ubuntu":
raise ValueError("invalid Installpath %s" % self.path)
return config

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ from .bcache import BcacheView
from .ceph import CephDiskView
from .iscsi import IscsiDiskView
from .identity import IdentityView
from .installpath import InstallpathView, MAASView
from .installpath import InstallpathView
from .installprogress import ProgressView
from .keyboard import KeyboardView
from .welcome import WelcomeView

View File

@ -18,29 +18,13 @@
Provides high level options for Ubuntu install
import binascii
import logging
import re
from urwid import connect_signal, Text
from urwid import Text
from subiquitycore.ui.buttons import back_btn, forward_btn
from subiquitycore.ui.utils import button_pile, screen
from subiquitycore.view import BaseView
from subiquitycore.ui.interactive import (
from subiquity.ui.views.identity import (
from subiquitycore.ui.form import (
from subiquitycore.lsb_release import lsb_release
@ -87,113 +71,3 @@ class InstallpathView(BaseView):
def cancel(self, button=None):
class RegionForm(Form):
cancel_label = _("Back")
username = UsernameField(
_("Pick a username for the admin account:"),
help=_("Enter the administrative username."))
password = PasswordField(
_("Choose a password:"),
help=_("Please enter the password for this account."))
def validate_username(self):
if len(self.username.value) < 1:
return _("Username missing")
if len(self.username.value) > USERNAME_MAXLEN:
return _("Username too long, must be < ") + str(USERNAME_MAXLEN)
if not re.match(r'[a-z_][a-z0-9_-]*', self.username.value):
return _("Username must match NAME_REGEX, i.e. [a-z_][a-z0-9_-]*")
def validate_password(self):
if len(self.password.value) < 1:
return _("Password must be set")
# Copied from MAAS:
def to_bin(u):
"""Convert ASCII-only unicode string to hex encoding."""
assert isinstance(u, str), "%r is not a unicode string" % (u,)
# Strip ASCII whitespace from u before converting.
return binascii.a2b_hex(u.encode("ascii").strip())
class RackSecretEditor(PasswordEditor, WantsToKnowFormField):
def __init__(self):
self.valid_char_pat = r'[a-fA-F0-9]'
self.error_invalid_char = _("The secret can only contain hexadecimal "
"characters, i.e. 0-9, a-f, A-F.")
def valid_char(self, ch):
if len(ch) == 1 and not re.match(self.valid_char_pat, ch):
self.bff.in_error = True
self.bff.show_extra(("info_error", self.error_invalid_char))
return False
return super().valid_char(ch)
RackSecretField = simple_field(RackSecretEditor)
class RackForm(Form):
cancel_label = _("Back")
url = URLField(
_("Ubuntu MAAS Region API address:"),
help=_("e.g. \"\". "
"localhost or are not useful values here."))
secret = RackSecretField(
_("MAAS shared secret:"),
help=_("The secret can be found in /var/lib/maas/secret "
"on the region controller. "))
def validate_url(self):
if len(self.url.value) < 1:
return _("API address must be set")
def validate_secret(self):
if len(self.secret.value) < 1:
return _("Secret must be set")
except binascii.Error as error:
return _("Secret could not be decoded: %s") % (error,)
class MAASView(BaseView):
def __init__(self, model, controller, title, excerpt):
self.model = model
self.controller = controller
self.signal = controller.signal
self.items = []
self.title = title
if self.model.path == "maas_region":
self.form = RegionForm(initial=self.model.results)
elif self.model.path == "maas_rack":
self.form = RackForm(initial=self.model.results)
raise ValueError("invalid MAAS form %s" % self.model.path)
connect_signal(self.form, 'submit', self.done)
connect_signal(self.form, 'cancel', self.cancel)
def done(self, result):
log.debug("User input: {}".format(result.as_data()))
def cancel(self, result=None):