pep8 fixes for subiquity/models/

This commit is contained in:
Ryan Harper 2018-05-22 15:40:36 -05:00
parent db460f28e2
commit 52203f887d
1 changed files with 64 additions and 27 deletions

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@ -46,34 +46,62 @@ class InstallpathModel(object):
elif self.path == 'maas_region':
self.source = '/media/region'
self.curtin['debconf_selections'] = {
'maas-username': 'maas-region-controller maas/username string %s' % results['username'],
'maas-password': 'maas-region-controller maas/password password %s' % results['password'],
'maas-username': ('maas-region-controller maas/username '
'string %s' % results['username']),
'maas-password': ('maas-region-controller maas/password '
'password %s' % results['password']),
self.curtin['late_commands'] = {
# Maintainer scripts cache results, from config files, if they exist
# These shouldn't exist, since this was fixed in livecd-rootfs
# but remove these, just to be sure
# Maintainer scripts cache results, from config files, if they
# exist. These shouldn't exist, since this was fixed in
# livecd-rootfs but remove these, just to be sure.
'900-maas': ['rm', '-f', '/target/etc/maas/rackd.conf'],
'901-maas': ['rm', '-f', '/target/etc/maas/region.conf'],
# All the crazy things are workarounds for maas maintainer scripts deficiencies
# see
# All the crazy things are workarounds for maas maintainer
# scripts deficiencies see:
# LP: #1766209
# LP: #1766211
# LP: #1766214
# LP: #1766218
# LP: #1766241
# uuid is not initialized by reconfigure, maybe it should, if it is at all used
# make it so, to make it match the udeb/deb installs
'902-maas': ['curtin', 'in-target', '--', 'maas-rack', 'config', '--init'],
# this should do setups of maas-url for the rack controller, and secret if needed.
'903-maas': ['curtin', 'in-target', '--', 'dpkg-reconfigure', '-u', '-fnoninteractive', 'maas-rack-controller'],
# Below are workaround to make postgresql database running, and invoke-rc.d --force to not fail
# And a running postgresql is needed, to change the role password and to create an admin user
# uuid is not initialized by reconfigure, maybe it should,
# if it is at all used make it so, to make it match the
# udeb/deb installs
'902-maas': ['curtin', 'in-target', '--',
'maas-rack', 'config', '--init'],
# this should do setups of maas-url for the rack controller,
# and secret if needed.
'903-maas': ['curtin', 'in-target', '--', 'dpkg-reconfigure',
'-u', '-fnoninteractive', 'maas-rack-controller'],
# Below are workaround to make postgresql database running,
# and invoke-rc.d --force to not faill and a running postgresql
# is needed, to change the role password and to create an admin
# user.
'904-maas': ['mount', '-o', 'bind', '/proc', '/target/proc'],
'905-maas': ['mount', '-o', 'bind', '/sys', '/target/sys'],
'906-maas': ['mount', '-o', 'bind', '/dev', '/target/dev'],
'907-maas': ['mount', '-o', 'bind', '/target/bin/true', '/target/usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d'],
'908-maas': ['chroot', '/target', 'sh', '-c', 'pg_ctlcluster --skip-systemctl-redirect $(/bin/ls /var/lib/postgresql/) main start'],
# These are called like this, because reconfigure doesn't create nor change an admin user account, nor regens the semi-autogenerated maas-url
'909-maas': ['chroot', '/target', 'sh', '-c', 'debconf -fnoninteractive -omaas-region-controller /var/lib/dpkg/info/maas-region-controller.config configure'],
'910-maas': ['chroot', '/target', 'sh', '-c', 'debconf -fnoninteractive -omaas-region-controller /var/lib/dpkg/info/maas-region-controller.postinst configure'],
'911-maas': ['chroot', '/target', 'sh', '-c', 'pg_ctlcluster --skip-systemctl-redirect $(/bin/ls /var/lib/postgresql/) main stop'],
'907-maas': ['mount', '-o', 'bind', '/target/bin/true',
'908-maas': ['chroot', '/target', 'sh', '-c',
'pg_ctlcluster --skip-systemctl-redirect '
'$(/bin/ls /var/lib/postgresql/) main start'],
# These are called like this, because reconfigure doesn't
# create nor change an admin user account, nor regens the
# semi-autogenerated maas-url
['chroot', '/target', 'sh', '-c', (
'debconf -fnoninteractive -omaas-region-controller '
'/var/lib/dpkg/info/maas-region-controller.config '
['chroot', '/target', 'sh', '-c', (
'debconf -fnoninteractive -omaas-region-controller '
'/var/lib/dpkg/info/maas-region-controller.postinst '
'911-maas': ['chroot', '/target', 'sh', '-c', (
'pg_ctlcluster --skip-systemctl-redirect '
'$(/bin/ls /var/lib/postgresql/) main stop')],
'912-maas': ['umount', '/target/usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d'],
'913-maas': ['umount', '/target/dev'],
'914-maas': ['umount', '/target/sys'],
@ -82,16 +110,25 @@ class InstallpathModel(object):
elif self.path == 'maas_rack':
self.source = '/media/rack'
self.curtin['debconf_selections'] = {
'maas-url': 'maas-rack-controller maas-rack-controller/maas-url string %s' % results['url'],
'maas-secret': 'maas-rack-controller maas-rack-controller/shared-secret password %s' % results['secret'],
'maas-url': ('maas-rack-controller '
'maas-rack-controller/maas-url '
'string %s' % results['url']),
'maas-secret': ('maas-rack-controller '
'maas-rack-controller/shared-secret '
'password %s' % results['secret']),
self.curtin['late_commands'] = {
'90-maas': ['rm', '-f', '/target/etc/maas/rackd.conf'],
'91-maas': ['curtin', 'in-target', '--', 'maas-rack', 'config', '--init'],
# maas-rack-controller is broken, and does db_input & go on the password question in the postinst...
# when it should have been done in .config
# and it doesn't gracefully handle the case of db_go returning 30 skipped
'93-maas': ['curtin', 'in-target', '--', 'sh', '-c', 'debconf -fnoninteractive -omaas-rack-controller /var/lib/dpkg/info/maas-rack-controller.postinst configure || :'],
'91-maas': ['curtin', 'in-target', '--', 'maas-rack',
'config', '--init'],
# maas-rack-controller is broken, and does db_input & go on
# the password question in the postinst... when it should have
# been done in .config and it doesn't gracefully handle the
# case of db_go returning 30 skipped
'93-maas': ['curtin', 'in-target', '--', 'sh', '-c',
('debconf -fnoninteractive -omaas-rack-controller '
' configure || :')],
raise ValueError("invalid Installpath %s" % self.path)